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Recruiting a Team for BIG DLC-size Mod


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- Anyone who uses the term DLC when referring to their mod, huge red flag


- Anyone who is not transparent and keeps details secret, huge red flag (usually what they are hiding is lack of progress)


- Anyone who has a list of people they need for a mod project but doesn't list their own skills, huge red flag



Sorry if it sounds rude, but it is the truth of the modding community.

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Since you're going to be project lead, what previous experience of organising technical projects over the internet do you have? List them.


Since you're going to be lead writer, how much writing experience do you have? Link some examples of your previous work. Preferably game-based.


Since you're going to be making a mod, how much modding experience do you have? Link some examples of your previous work. List your skillset.


'I need people for X do not ask me what X is it will be brilliant and huge and also I won't try anything until we get the GECK even though experienced modders can easily make a start without it' does not seem like a great pitch.

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[sNIP] ... I won't try anything until we get the GECK even though experienced modders can easily make a start without it' does not seem like a great pitch.


Hell, UNexperienced modders can do it with a little computer knowledge, patience, and willingness. I hadn't modded since the days of Command and Conquer Red Alert 2, and I am tweaking settings, creating new models / textures, and getting a grasp on the mechanics of the game, all in the last week or so.


So your point rings even MORE true :)


To me, the way you are trying to be 'secretive' about it, means you have no gameplan at all. You are trying to put the cart before the horse, so to speak... You need a set gameplan, a concept of where you are going. Know what assets you WILL need. Know what your skill set is, and if you don't have a skill set, you best start expanding it even some. People don't tend to want to work for a mod 'lead' that isn't actually helping.




All this said, I wish you the best and hope to someday see an epic mod come from you and your team.



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As blunt and 'harsh' as the above comments sound they're 100% correct.


Looking for people to help me make the brotherhood airship look like a phallic object. Need people very experienced with NavMeshing and scripting, as well as animation because I want it to rotate at the tip and dialogue because I want it to make buzzing sounds across the sky. Color and possible questline will remain a secret during early development.


My position will be color coordinator and I will give the team moral support: "You look wonderful today!" and "I believe in you son!" are just a few examples of my impactful work in this project.

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