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Might need help with a script...


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So I made this mod... In this mod I used a display case to teleport the player. Is there a script that I can run on it that will keep it from reading "Display Case to Blah Blah Blah"? I need it to read just like a normal display case. And thanks in advance for helping. Edited by Launius
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I've never done any scripting work. After about two hours of playing with it, I came up with this:


scriptName DisplayCaseTeleport002


Begin OnActivate player

.MoveToMarker DisplayCaseTeleport, -1462.2104, -352.7374, -111.8782



Still can't get it to work though. Anyone care to tell me whats wrong with it? Thanks.

Edited by Launius
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that should be


Player.movetomarker... etc.


Is the marker in the same cell as the display case? If so, you can use positioncell instead. movetomarker is looking for an editor id of the marker. (which had better be a persistent reference too......)

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