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Trying to fix "glowing" behemoth and hound


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So, in the course of working on my "Glowing Animals Emit Light" mod, once of the steps is to fix the lack of glow on the Glowing Behemoth and Glowing Mutant Hound. I've created new nifs and attached the glow lights, created new material files, and also new glow textures. In xEdit, I've created the appropriate Armor and Armor Add-ons, and changed the NPC entries to reflect these changes.


Still, nothing changes in game. Both the behemoth and the hound still spawn using the old skins, at least when using console commands. I've gone back over my file paths, changes in xEdit, etc. several times now and am completely baffled. Is there a step I'm missing?


I know I can probably create material swaps, but that won't use the new nifs with the added lights.


Another, seemingly related problem is that the molerats, which glow already, won't accept the armor add-ons which make them glow, and also won't swap out for the new nif I made.


Any clues or advice would be greatly appreciated. I can post screenshots or files etc. if it will help.

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Was adding a glowing molerat to my mod earlier today, though the glow effect on the molerat was a bit wimpy... Went ahead and checked out a few of the glowing creatures in game, noticed vanilla glowing yao guai uses a material swap, so went ahead and made one for the glowing molerat just to see if it'd to a difference. swapped out actors\molerat\molerat.bgsm for actors\molerat\carnivore.BGSM in fo4edit, and linked it in the armor add-on and this was the difference:




Didn't have your mod activated on the screencap to the left, but added it afterwards and your mod worked with my molerat material swap. So that's at least one solution that works.


Sort of hard to wrap my head around the issues with the behemoth and hound without seeing what you've done with the files in front of me tho. Plus I need to sleep :-)


also, love your craftable cats mod, so thanks for making that one :-)

Edited by humanindustry
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