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FNVEdit Errors


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I'm making a bunch of head wear using custom models(the same four models with different textures) and am using FNVEdit to add the FaceGen head flags to straighten them out. However, when I try to save, most of the time it won't save and gives me an error such as:


Access violation at address 00566BDF in module 'FNVEdit.exe'. Write of address 01963947


The exception log has errors like this:


ExceptionCode: $C0000005 = EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION - The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.


Sometimes I can change a thing or two and save it okay, but the amount of crashing is ridiculous. I tested copies of other files, so I'm not sure if it's just because I have added new meshes or something (I followed the tutorial on porting hairs:

http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Porting_hairs_to_Fallout since it's the closest one I've found on how make head gear fit). I also recreated some of the gear in a new .esp, and made new forms in my other files using the same models, and this has also crashed FNVEdit. The manual doesn't help, and I've tried looking it up already.


Why does FNVEdit hate my meshes? Did I export or Conformulate them wrong (just followed tutorial, not sure what the settings mean), or is it because I put them on the nose ring slot or something?



EDIT: I just tried sticking my gear in the game and there's no option to take it, even though it's checked off as playable.

Edited by KazFoxsen
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Okay, the inability to pick up meshes was a separate problem requiring collision, which I've solved, but despite replacing the non-functioning world model NIFs in my head gear with good ones, when I add head flags in FNVEdit, it still won't save (at least all the time).
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Access violation is a generic crash message. AFAIK fnvedit does not even look for the mesh files or open them, so the problem cannot be there. Can you back up to some version of your mod which is working, and then make one or two changes at a time? Also, sometimes there can be invalid data in the mod file, which is cured by loading in geck and then saving. This will discard the invalid data, which you may or may not view as a good thing.
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Access violation is a generic crash message. AFAIK fnvedit does not even look for the mesh files or open them, so the problem cannot be there. Can you back up to some version of your mod which is working, and then make one or two changes at a time? Also, sometimes there can be invalid data in the mod file, which is cured by loading in geck and then saving. This will discard the invalid data, which you may or may not view as a good thing.


I tried saving and reopening, but no dice. Cleaning the mod didn't work either. I've also tried starting a new file in GECK, duplicating a few bandanas, then switching their meshes and texture sets to mine. I made a few changes in FNVEdit and it saved okay after switching head flags on three items, but by the fourth, the same error occurred.


While tedious, I could stick to fixing a few items at a time (there's about 40 more to go), but I'm just concerned that it might be a symptom of a bigger problem that I'm not aware of. I'm afraid that it'll work fine on my system, but then turn buggy when others download it. :(


Probably not related, but on my items, the object bounds are all zero in my new test file. I've noticed that items in the Fallout.esm have all different numbers there, and even in my problem file, the same duplicated mesh has different numbers, sometimes all zeroes. Not sure what "OBND" means, but throwing it out there, just in case there's a connection.

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I had this just recently and I ran FNVUpdateMaster.exe and then when I did filter I did not touch it at all the window... I noticed it froze once but it kept going afterwards. Though now I got an error called "This Interface is Not Supported"... Dont know what that means though.
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FNVedit has not been updated since, 22 February 2011



New Patch New Geck Old FNVedit


It does not appear that ElminsterAU is supporting his mod anymore. I really hope I am wrong but it has been awhile since any updates for FNV and his last activity here is listed as April 4

Edited by deu58
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