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Dual Weapons??


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as far as i know there isnt one, however i have thought about it and it could be posible, but only barely, the guns whould have to be 1 model (with both guns side by side), have a new animation holding the models, have a shell mesh that has 2 side by side. and a new reload anmation, however it whould holster wrong even after all that.

but the shoot instead of zooming in thing whould be imposible without vast script extender knowledge.

all together i guess no one made it cause it whould be a huge pain, plus even after all that the guy's arms whould have to be perfictly still even when running. so i doubt it whould be as cool as you imagine. but the trench coat and $100 sounds neat

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would be cool I however would be happy to find a mod that puts all unarmed weapons in both hands and maybe some of the 1 handed melee weapons, but guns added to that would be cool and prolly not possible
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This gets suggested about every week. Instead of reiterating why the game engine may not be able to handle it, or the complexities in creating it, you should search the other dual wield request threads.


Dual Wielding


Dual wield






dual yield 10mm


and before someone else suggests being able to ride a horse, search it.

Edited by PaladinRider
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