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Texture Issue - Any Idea Why?


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Does anyone know why I'm getting this texture issue?


It happens on three things:


1. Some clothing I Have - icons in pipboy show up fine, but in world has the bug

2. Some clothing I Have - their icons in the pipboy but NOT in world

3. Eye lashes of some of my races


Anyone know why it's happening or how to fix it?

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Hm, yes this happens sometimes. What resolution and quality settings you are using as launcher setting?


Did you convert the dds textures yourself? What program did you use for converting?


This usually can be fixed by using the right dds settings or by just using the dds converter.


A normal recompress most likely won't help the case.

To fix the texture you will have to 1) decompress and to 2) compress the image with the said converter into an appropiated dds format.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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No the DDS Files wern't converted by myself. I haven't touched them. They came as is with the mods they belong to.

Medium Quality because I have a higher resolution texture pack installed.

Edited by HHRawr
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I figured out what the problem is...but I'm not sure what to do about it. I have to have the texture quality set to high...but the problem is if I do that, I lag really really horribly...
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You can either set the texture quality to high or just reconvert the texture.


Converting the texture:

1) load the dds converter

2) open the dds immage in said converter

3) look at the properties what is going on (dxt1 / dxt5 with or without alpha chanel, mipmaps yes/no)

-> If there is no information, then it's just dxt1.

-> The alpha channel is needed for transparency. If the texture has no transparency, leave the alpha channel, it's just a waste of needed video ram.

-> Mipmaps are necessary to draw the LOD (which helps to render the image in the distant). If you have menu icons and similar icons, you don't need the LOD, since it is loaded direcly close to you.

4) compress the dds texture to tga or sth similar

5) compress the tga texture to dds with the format you found under point 3


If you treat the textures that way, you can set the quality to medium without having these issues.


Another point:

If your gfx-cart is a low power one, it is absulutely not recommended to use texture packs which bring along higher resolution textures. Higher resulutions just blow up the size of the textures, as well as unneeded alpha or mipmaps. Guess what's gona be loaded by your gfx card each time you see sth in game? Right, the textures.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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9800 GT runs fine with 1024 textures on medium setting. I prefer them that way. Unfortunately medium setting causes textures to do what my picture displays. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are saying about them though... Basically, open the texture in photoshop and resave it? Both textures that are displaying the problem have transparency. I've only seen it on some icon images - which I guess don't have transparency, eye lashes, and the fishnet leggings on that outfit.
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Basically, open the texture in photoshop and resave it?

No, I said open the image in dds converter.

Then save it as TGA with alpha.

Open the TGA in dds converter.

Save it as dds with the same settings like the original dds files.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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