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This guy says he used Skyrim's CK to poke into FO4


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Just came across this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9425/?


The author is claiming to have been able to use Skyrim's CK to poke FO4. When I tried, I had a ton of different errors, from steam errors to library errors, version control errors... you name it.


Can anyone else confirm if this can actually work and if it does, how can we set up the CK + what are the limits of the CK's use in FO4?

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Look at the comments. He didn't use the Skyrim CK for editing fo4. He just looked how the music is implemented in Skyrim and then tried aomthing similar for fo4 with fo4edit.

I made this thread before he answered me. I don't have time to check the comments every 5 secs.

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