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Burn, baby, burn


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I'm Steph. I've never really gotten the hang of writing intro posts.


I'm 24, Canadian, and kind of a nerd. I just finished college and yet plan on doing more because I'm a masochist. I play video games a lot. Global Agenda is my current online love affair. I thoroughly enjoy shooting zombies in the face. Killing Floor is my non-GA jam. I'm terrible at RTS and my greatest accomplishments in this area involve flash monkeys with catapults.


I have spent days and nights beyond number on Oblivion, about three hours on Fallout 3, and maybe one on Morrowind. I'm here because up until now I ran with a standard set of mods that other people determined wouldn't cause crashing on me, and now I want more. I'm looking forward to all the new, interesting, and downright wacky stuff I know is out there.


I don't know how active a member I'll be, but I make for a very accomplished lurker, and I'll likely be around for a very long time.


...Yeah, that's about it. ~/o/

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Hey... Sup? I think someone forgot to mention the spam but enjoy the warning about spam. Oh and remember that I didn't mentioned anything about spam, okay?
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Greetings! Here, have some SPAM:


http://www.bruceongames.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Spam-a-tin-of.jpg :D


Welcome to the family. I'm sure you'll fit right in. :yes:





Edit: @brokenergy - Heh... that's the first time someone has warned of my "SPAM..." :rolleyes:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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:ohmy: Someone forgot the fishy stick! THE FISHY STICK!!!!!!


No worries bro, I got things covered. Have some Ultimate fishy sticks. 8)



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