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Getting rid of Nordic Carved on Bandits Boss?


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No matter what lvld list or mod that change bandit appearence that i try, the Nordic carved will always be the armor of lvl 25+ bandit chief.

Someone said it's because of a script with dragonborn but does any of you knows how to edit stuff so my bandit can finally have a variety of armor even at high level?



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Sounds like the same scripts are used for all bandits so unless you had the old scripts from before the game was updated to run dragonborn you might not be able to change it back. I am interested in this too since I think there should be a mod that only bandit chiefs in solstiem should be wearing it and you shouldn't even be able to craft it until after learning how to work with stalrim.

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Answer of the awsome japanese guy:


くつみや (id:Kutsumiya)


Hello, I am not good at English.

Sorry,I am not uploaded any mods.

This change is valid for ONLY NEW GAME.(maybe...I think so.)

You can find a source code "DLC2_QF_DLC2_MQ04_02016E02.psc" in "Scripts.rar". As part of this script, adding every Nordic Caved equipments to each Leveled Lists. that is used by high leveled bandit(e.g. Bandit Chief).

Change some code to "comment out".

about line 235

; add armor and weapons to bandits
;LItemBanditBossBoots.AddForm( DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyBoots, 25, 1)
;LItemBanditBossCuirass.AddForm( DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyCuirass, 25, 1)
;LItemBanditBossGauntlets50.AddForm( DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyGauntlets, 25, 1)
;LItemBanditBossHelmet50.AddForm( DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyHelmet, 25, 1)
;LItemBanditBossShield.AddForm( DLC2ArmorNordicShield, 25, 1)

about line 513

;Armor Property DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyBoots Auto
;Armor Property DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyCuirass Auto
;Armor Property DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyGauntlets Auto
;Armor Property DLC2ArmorNordicHeavyHelmet Auto
;Armor Property DLC2ArmorNordicShield Auto

about line 494

;LeveledItem Property LItemBanditBossBoots Auto
;LeveledItem Property LItemBanditBossCuirass Auto
;LeveledItem Property LItemBanditBossGauntlets50 Auto
;LeveledItem Property LItemBanditBossHelmet50 Auto
;LeveledItem Property LItemBanditBossShield Auto

If you want to remove Nordic Caved Weapons,you can change it too.



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