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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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No, no, no, you're clearly doing it wrong. Forget occupation, irradiation is the solution.


EDIT: I accidentally hit the submit when I went to look at previous posts and make a serious response.


I am glad he is dead, I feel no regret or remorse or even the slightly twinge of sadness, except, perhaps for the woman who was killed during the raid. I've not heard whether she was protecting him, or forced to protect him, though I'm not sure anyone will ever know.


That being said, al-Qaeda will be slightly tumultuous for some time. Not so much because he was the operational leader, but because he was a symbolic, spiritual leader to them all, and in many cases, was the man they rallied behind for their cause. I hesitate to use this analogy, but I see it as something similar to if the pope were to be assassinated on the Crusades. Morale has taken a hit, but operationally, his death means little.


I'm curious to learn, though, what they might find on that computer of his I heard about. Hopefully, though he wasn't involved in the operations, he might have some useful information.


Also, on the subject of Pakistan, I have a good feeling they knew far more than they ever told us. They might have even known he was right under their nose, or were taking bribes to conveniently overlook it. From what I understand, the way were finally able to 'confirm' it was through one of his couriers who got careless. They knew he was a courier, but every time he got anywhere remotely near Islamabad, his cut his phone of, and they couldn't track him. He slipped up one day, and from there the pieces fell into place.


NOTE: The last paragraph is mostly conjecture and second-hand information, I may be incorrect on some or most points, feel free to correct me.

Edited by RZ1029
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Well good riddance to bad rubbish ... Viva America, I salute you ...


I don't care whether your forces had permission to enter terrorist loving Pakistan or not,

I don't care whether it was right or wrong to kill with extreme predujice the most hated filth on the planet instead of giving him a fair trial,

I don't care what the petty intellectuals and bleeding hearts, commies, marxists or any of the "ists" or "isms" have to say,


Nothing matters exept for the fact that the pig is dead.


Closure for many has come and I hope and pray for the families of all the innocents that have been harmed that they sleep well tonight.


And as for the snivelling enemies of freedom who kill innocent women and children, I hope you cowards realise one thing ... you will never escape justice or the Navy Seals.

Long may you fear and live in trepidation of impending doom and destruction.

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Still on the Royal Wedding, eh? (sigh)


Well, if it pleases you, then yes, I'd say this is big news. Bigger than the wedding? We'll see.


This news is irrelevant.


Al Quaeda is bigger than ever, with footholds in mutiple countries and this will only inspire them even more.


You are a child but if you had to worry about finding a job, you wouldn't care much about this, because we still have a sinking economy and debt that will continue to increase.


This is the very defnition of a Pyrrhic victory.


M'kay, first of all, I'm not a child, and second, I've studied history all of my life. I am very well aware of the consequences of killing that man, but do be aware that a political wedding can still cause drastic changes for the future. And for your information, yes, I do care about both of these events and I've looked into them and am aware of how it will affect me in the future.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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He was just confirmed dead by the CIA and president.


Big enough news to out do the royal wedding yet for the week?



Oh he did outdo the royal wedding alright! before he was shot, the US Navy seals presented him with a beautiful crystal vase, the world "hide and seek" champion trophy, how thoughtful!

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He was just confirmed dead by the CIA and president.


Big enough news to out do the royal wedding yet for the week?



Oh he did outdo the royal wedding alright! before he was shot, the US Navy seals presented him with a beautiful crystal vase, the world "hide and seek" champion trophy, how thoughtful!

That's weird considering he wasn't doing much hiding.


He was in a mansion surrounded by walls near a military training camp in a small neighborhood. Not to mention he was a few miles north of the capital of Pakistan.


He was not doing the hiding, Pakistan was.


I get what your saying though even if I don't agree with it.



@Aurielius Right, so you can make fun of serious issues if you want to, but if I make fun of serious issues its a bad joke.


I think it would help greatly if you would get over your grudge and quit being rude all the time.

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Still on the Royal Wedding, eh? (sigh)


Well, if it pleases you, then yes, I'd say this is big news. Bigger than the wedding? We'll see.


You are a child but if you had to worry about finding a job, you wouldn't care much about this, because we still have a sinking economy and debt that will continue to increase.


I find it odd that you used to take umbrage when I pointed this out to you but then when it suits you, you use the same dismissive tactic . Sauce for the goose evidently is not sauce for the gander.

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Hard to determine overall, but it's proven it to the jihadists that even if it's just one man, he'll be bagged eventually. But with their mentality who knows?

If I'm to guess though, I don't think we'll see something coordinated on a large scale come out of it all.

Edited by greywaste
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Personally I don't think he is dead, due to the fact that there is no body to be independantly verified (they've kept the bodies of other 'lesser' threats before, why should someone as notorious as Osama not be?).. The DNA 'evidence' could be taken from any of his relatives and compared with his sisters DNA.. Without the body it came from, it is irrelevant... Now, my theory as to what happend? America studied this compound for a while and believed it to be occupied by Osama.. They raided it whilst breaching Pakistani borders, entered the building and then executed an unarmed civilian whom they believed to be Osama. In order to prevent any backlash they took the corpse and dumped it in the middle of the ocean claiming it to be Osama.


The CIA are 'preparing' on releasing a photo of said Osama, yet why not just release it? Why do they need to prepare it.



I know many people won't hesitate in calling me an idiot or a 'conspiracy theorist' but this is just my personal opinion, it seems too sketchy to be true.

Edited by Gishank
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Personally I don't think he is dead, due to the fact that there is no body to be independantly verified (they've kept the bodies of other 'lesser' threats before, why should someone as notorious as Osama not be?).. The DNA 'evidence' could be taken from any of his relatives and compared with his sisters DNA.. Without the body it came from, it is irrelevant... Now, my theory as to what happend? America studied this compound for a while and believed it to be occupied by Osama.. They raided it whilst breaching Pakistani borders, entered the building and then executed an unarmed civilian whom they believed to be Osama. In order to prevent any backlash they took the corpse and dumped it in the middle of the ocean claiming it to be Osama.


The CIA are 'preparing' on releasing a photo of said Osama, yet why not just release it? Why do they need to prepare it.



I know many people won't hesitate in calling me an idiot or a 'conspiracy theorist' but this is just my personal opinion, it seems too sketchy to be true.

I do not entirely agree with you, but that very well may be true.


I found it a bit weird his body was disposed of right after he had DNA tests and was killed.


I also find it weird a photo needs to be prepared.


It is very possible we did not kill Osama, but it is also very possible we did.

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One thing; it kind of makes you think where he got that huge fortress in Pakistan from, don't you think? cough Pakistani government cough <-- that was meant to be sarcastic, and if it is offensive to anyone, please just notify one of the administrators to remove this part of the comment.


And the Americans had jurisdiction there: they 'co-operated' with the local Pakistani authorities.

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