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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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Instead of relying to one poster I am going to respond to points raised.


1) Why did the US not inform the Pakistani government in advance?--- Well first off it would be impossible to violate Pakistan's air space without them scrambling aircraft to investigate..so some level of cover story had to be presented in order for Helicopters to fly inbound from Afghanistan and outbound to the USS Vincent. Second it must be obvious that the US does not completely trust the ISA or Military of Pakistan to some extent and felt keeping them out of the loop would increase a chance for operational success.


2) How does the US have DNA?-- Since a sample can be quite small and can come from a handled object, I think within the last 15 years that one such item could be acquired. Second there are a whole group of living relatives in Saudi Arabia to compare a sample from the corpse with.


3) Why was he not captured instead of killed?--Since the latest confirmed reports from the White House state that OBL was not armed, it is quite clear that capture was not the object of the operation. Second there has been a "Wanted Dead or Alive" warrant on OBL for over ten years. The Seal in question (and we will probably never know his name) was in a combat situation and exercised his judgment and choose the former option as safest for his team or most consistent with the Rules of Engagement that Team # 6 was operating under.


4) Why did the US not retain his body?-- I think the example of the top NAZI's final disposal would be the best corollary, whose remains when finally disposed of by the Soviets / Allies were scattered in rivers and unmarked wooded graves to prevent the localization of adherents to a specific spot.


5) Why bury him according to Muslim rites?---Why not accord him final rites? It has been US custom to bury war dead of enemy combatants according to the customs of their nation for centuries.


6) Who made the US the World Police?-- No one. The US is at war with Al Queda and has stated that many times almost as many times as they have stated that they are at war with the US. The US position has been made abundantly clear that we will hunt down Al Queda and especially it's command structure wherever they may hide.This most recent example is only a continuation of that policy deviating only in that OBL's termination required more surety than launching a Preditor Drone and searching through the rubble later.


7) OBL is still alive an this is US hoax-- Well if he is dead as the US claims we won't see any more of him. Conspiracy theorists love contrary explanations of established facts, it makes them happy to believe that they are in possession of a truth the the masses won't recognize, so be it. OBL can now have tea with the aliens in Area 51 and they can all take day excursions with the Loch Ness Monster.

Edited by Aurielius
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If for some reason he was still alive, would it even matter?


If he was still alive it would be a massive terror attack in itself to just go on TV and say he is still alive.


This will be settled in a few weeks anyways.


There should be doubt of him being alive when the CIA releases photos and the video.


I can assure you he is dead if he does not come out and say he is alive still.


The only way he could be alive without incident is if the USA was working along with him, which would easily be debunked.


BTW his main objective was to put us in wars to put us in debt and take more lives then he could with his invasion. He also wanted to invoke terror to change the USA government and law system.


Osama Bin Laden is dead, but he already succeeded in his goal.

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This has been a huge blow for all terrorists everywhere, the Brand that he was has been dealt a serious blow.


The "big thing" about OBL - no wait he doesn't even deserve capital letters - the "big thing" about obl - ah yes much better - is that he had the label


that he couldn't be caught, well he was and that whether you believe it or not, is a "major" blow for his Brand.


Go ahead and ask anyone involved in marketing or who sells a product ...



I have a few muslim friends, and on the very next day I went to visit one of them out of neccessity, they didn't even raise the subject of obl.


And when someone did, they didn't even respond, trust me, a lot of muslims the world over even though they might not support obl felt a bit demoralised.


This ought not to be so ... well I didn't mock my friend like the other person did and ignored them, I could see the unspoken gratitude.


Not all muslims are bent on the destruction of the "West".


Let's cut those muslims who don't support extremist philosphies some slack, this unspoken act will go a long way in keeping them away from


the clutches of the haters.


Nevertheless, let the haters rot in hell as the newspaper headline accurately told us the current location of the above mentioned demon in disguise.

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This has been a huge blow for all terrorists everywhere, the Brand that he was has been dealt a serious blow.


The "big thing" about OBL - no wait he doesn't even deserve capital letters - the "big thing" about obl - ah yes much better - is that he had the label


that he couldn't be caught, well he was and that whether you believe it or not, is a "major" blow for his Brand.


Go ahead and ask anyone involved in marketing or who sells a product ...



I have a few muslim friends, and on the very next day I went to visit one of them out of neccessity, they didn't even raise the subject of obl.


And when someone did, they didn't even respond, trust me, a lot of muslims the world over even though they might not support obl felt a bit demoralised.


This ought not to be so ... well I didn't mock my friend like the other person did and ignored them, I could see the unspoken gratitude.


Not all muslims are bent on the destruction of the "West".


Let's cut those muslims who don't support extremist philosphies some slack, this unspoken act will go a long way in keeping them away from


the clutches of the haters.


Nevertheless, let the haters rot in hell as the newspaper headline accurately told us the current location of the above mentioned demon in disguise.

Your speaking as if the non extremist Muslims are a minority.

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If for some reason he was still alive, would it even matter?


If he was still alive it would be a massive terror attack in itself to just go on TV and say he is still alive.


This will be settled in a few weeks anyways.


There should be doubt of him being alive when the CIA releases photos and the video.


I can assure you he is dead if he does not come out and say he is alive still.


The only way he could be alive without incident is if the USA was working along with him, which would easily be debunked.


BTW his main objective was to put us in wars to put us in debt and take more lives then he could with his invasion. He also wanted to invoke terror to change the USA government and law system.


Osama Bin Laden is dead, but he already succeeded in his goal.


Absolutely. His stated goal was to bring our empire to its knees and have us overextend ourselves across the globe; this is precisely what happened and all the jingoism and pro-imperialism cannot change the fact that we are almost broke and the economy is a wreck. He definitely has succeeded in his goal.

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Okay so much for being civilised American Troops. Also so much for using his wife as body shield.



Now i wonder whats taking so much time to be release..... its just a picture after all, people has seen "worse" in films and video games dont kid yourselves.


There was quite a backlash when pictures of Saddams sons were published, maybe they don't want a repeat of that.


What about doing the necessary to quel the doubt back home?


I also had a question, if he was so evasive and died so many times before, WHERE THE FRIG DID THEY GET THE DNA THEY COMPARED IT WITH?


Is there much doubt or is it a few doubters making a lot of noise?


Anyway a wise move not to publish, putting out pictures and videos of dead people is what the terrorists do, no need to sink to their level.

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Someone sold/leaked them to Reuters. The White House should have released them on their own terms.


Edit: pics are of bloody compound and dead men but not bin Laden himself.

Edited by csgators
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Someone sold/leaked them to Reuters. The White House should have released them on their own terms.


Edit: pics are of bloody compound and dead men but not bin Laden himself.


The leaks probably did come from the White House, most "leaks" are not leaks at all.

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