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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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It's true. He is dead. There's no doubt about it - DNA has confirmed that it was him.


I'm not American so it really isn't significant to me but... I feel for all the Americans out there. It's been a very long time in coming, but I hope you can feel that justice has been served at long last.


Edited by Lehcar
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I'm RZ1029 and I approve this execution.


In all seriousness, I shall, for once, quote Mr. Obama and say, "Today is a good day for America."


I'm curious, anyone know a bit more about what happened? I went to sleep early last night, so I didn't find out anything until this morning and it's been a crazy rush of a day, so I'm not really sure about the details. If someone would like to break it down a bit, I'd appreciate it.


EDIT: Amusing video, despite it's ah... crude nature.

Edited by RZ1029
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