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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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TBH I'm surprised we actually gave him an honorable burial....

We buried him in 'Brown Water' not blue, by Navy tradition thats not for the honorable dead. As for abiding by the religious customs of the Muslims, why not? We are not barbarians, we have buried enemies of our country by the customs of theirs for centuries.

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Not to mention Al Qaeda will have a new leader now, and no one really knows what that could do.


if memory serves, osama bin laden had to relinquish leadership of al-qaeda to run from american forces, so they've had a new leader for awhile. to most, he was merely a figurehead for anti-american sentiment, not to mention most of the time he only funded terrorist attacks and counterattacks, not plan them.


TBH I'm surprised we actually gave him an honorable burial....


as said above, he was a figurehead of anti-american sentiment. i doubt desecrating the corpse of someone like that would work out in ANY way for america. we're already seen as barbarians around the world, why make it worse by trophying around the corpse of our enemy?

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makes sense I suppose... Still could you really blame us if we did pull something?


doesn't matter, everyone else would, and that's what they tried to prevent.

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Osama cowered behind a bed and refused to come out. Osama was living in a million dollar compound with trusted lackeys to run errands for him. So much for Osama bin Laden the Jihad Warrior and aesthetic holy man living in cave, sitting in front of a rock and talking into Mr. Microphone. (You older folks will get that last bit.) Anyway, he is now 'Osama been Laidout'.


About Obama riding this wave to 2012. He might, but his record of hunting Osama was never an issue with Americans. His lack of leadership on the domestic level is where he's in trouble and the death of Osama won't factor in with intelligent voters... of which there is a serious dirth if 2008 is any indication.

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TBH I'm surprised we actually gave him an honorable burial....

We buried him in 'Brown Water' not blue, by Navy tradition thats not for the honorable dead. As for abiding by the religious customs of the Muslims, why not? We are not barbarians, we have buried enemies of our country by the customs of theirs for centuries.


Didn't know about the "Brown water" tradition , but even so to follow the Islamic tradition and rules and bury him before the end of 24 hours after the death shows well the " we fought the terror not Islam" message.



as said above, he was a figurehead of anti-american sentiment. i doubt desecrating the corpse of someone like that would work out in ANY way for america. we're already seen as barbarians around the world, why make it worse by trophying around the corpse of our enemy?


yeap i here in Brazil lot's of anti-American radicals, shut-up after the news f how the bury OBL arrived. Still some complains about the water burial as it's apparently against some Muslim/Arab rule.


It would seem while Osama didn't have the interwebs, he did have a computer. I bet some jihadists are little worried about this.


indeed depends of what is in the computers to find it might be a greater impact for Al-Qaeda then Bins laden deaths.


but we don't know how well protect this data are. or even the relevance. (as could be only his data from PSN, Iphone and foursquare...)


@Kendo 2


Unfortunately intelligent voters are an threatened specie all around the world.

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About Obama riding this wave to 2012. He might, but his record of hunting Osama was never an issue with Americans. His lack of leadership on the domestic level is where he's in trouble and the death of Osama won't factor in with intelligent voters... of which there is a serious dirth if 2008 is any indication.



Am reminded of a Twain quote "God loves the simple and foolish or why would he make so many copies?"~ paraphrased from memory

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