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Unexplained Drop in Performance


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I'm getting these weird drops in performance after a certain point while playing. I've played my current character for 99 hours, spread across multiple saves. Right now, I am outside the nuclear test site, walking towards ranger station charlie. About halfway there, my game starts heavily stuttering, so much so that it becomes unplayable.


If it is needed, I will give my load order.


Also, it's worth mentioning that my current save game is 18.4mb in size.

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  • 7 months later...

You said "walking" to Ranger Station Charlie, but I wonder if you really weren't "running"? If so, rapidly moving from one cell to another can outpace the "pre-fetch" ability of the graphics system to load cells into the frame buffer ahead of you; causing stutter as a result. These are controlled by the "uInterior Cell Buffer=" and "uExterior Cell Buffer=" values in the INI files. Please read the "Memory, Loading & Multi-threading" section of the "TweakGuide's Fallout 3 Tweak Guide" for their explanation and related settings.


You might also take a look at this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide as well.



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TweakGuides is not a reputable source for the Bethesda games. Don't change the buffer settings, they directly correlate to the uGrids setting and should be left alone.


Gradual degrading performance (framerate) is just something the New Vegas engine does. No one has pinned it down exactly but it's probably due to obsidian's over use of scripts and the poor memory management that's been in the Fallout 3/NV engine all along. Restarting the game will return the framerate to normal.


Here is a post from Queued (the author of NVAC) about some of the settings people recommend https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1197661-nvac-new-vegas-anti-crash/?p=15646425

I can fully back this up with my own examinations of the code (although I am far less knowledgeable than he is). There are other placebo, nonsense, or harmful settings people recommend, when in doubt, don't touch.

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