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Merchant question, need help please.


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Is it possible, to make a item(s) sellable by a merchant, unique? That is to say, it will only be offered the one time only, and will not reset along with the rest of the inventory? A mod I would like to...modify, has added a number of items to a vanilla merchant, but I would like to set some items as, 'only sell once' as it were,


I cant see anything in CK for this, and the webernets does not seem to have much to say on the topic.



One way I thought of, was to remove the items in question from the general vendor chest, create a 2nd separate chest, linked to the same merchant, put the items in, and set it to no-respawn. Is that viable? Or can a merchant even be linked to more than one chest at a time?



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I think it's possible to do what your after by a script attached to the vendor container and keywords in the vendor list being removed when the type of item has been removed from the container.

Example use a custom Vendor list on the vendor faction (SKSE also has functions to assign Vendor lists on the fly in game as well).
This custom vendor list will need to be empty and populated with keywords when your mod first initiates.
Create a another list of Keywords that are on items you only want sold once.
Attach a script to the vendor chest that has an OnItemRemoved() event and check the removed item keyword against your unique item keyword list.
If it matches then remove the keyword from the custom vendor list.

This is theory and at this point I haven't tried it.
But I know if I committed some time to it that I'd get it to work.

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