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Looking for a Story-driven quest mod involving the Thalmor/Dominion.


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Hello! I just saw The Aldmeri Domain - Fight Against the Thalmor and was so excited about it since I've been looking for a mod that would really fit in with the playthrough I'm doing. I guess I assumed too much since it seemed so well made and well thought out that I expected it to have some sort of quest.


To my disappointment, I read that there isn't any scripted quests so its pretty much me going to the cell where the mod was placed and basically just swinging my sword aimlessly. Don't get me wrong, it seems like an awesome mod but I don't want to have to download something that I wouldn't be able to incorporate into my playthrough without a linear storyline.


So that's why I'm here. I've looked high and low for a mod with a story, voiced or non-voiced, about the dominion/thalmor doing military operations within skyrim but failed in finding any.


I was hoping if you guys know of a mod that involves some sort of small-scale warfare between skyrim and the dominion? If not, thanks anyway.


If I come off as rude or aggressive, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to. For some reason, people have been agitated about me today.

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