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OBGE Liquid Water vs. Realistic Water


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I tried running it that way, yes. I also tried renaming it and replacing the other AA shader. Neither way works unless I remove Liquid Water.


EDIT: Now it's not working at all. *flips table*

Edited by DesuChan
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...I just found out why we can't have AA, but we will in the future. It turns out the Liquid Water uses its own shaders.ini file, and it doesn't like OBGE Support or the shaderlist.txt methods, so those who want MLAA will have to disable Liquid Water and install the original OBGEv2.dll or wait until the next version updates the shaders.ini file to include that option.


(Shaders.ini is under Data/Shaders/Liquid Water Settings)

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Back on topic.


Liquid water certainly looks great. The smooth transition along shorelines is definitely appreciated. I just can't stand the fact that it has to assume the water in the current cell is all on the same level in order to be rendered. It's annoying when you're walking along in the mountains with a small shallow lake and to look out over the edge and having it look like Water World. The surface not being affected by weather is a minor issue that doesn't bother me too much. However, seeing how good Realistic water reacts to weather is certainly impressive. The first issue, however, is why I'm now using Realistic water instead.

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