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Hope you've got a lot of extra money you don't want anymore, its $3,500


$3500! Sweet Mother of the Lord! Even in real money (pounds stirling B) ) thats one hell of a lot of money for one program. Thats half a years wages for me (hands up who works at their local mcdonalds). Is it worth it though? I mean, unless you're really serious about pc modelling and want a career as one, thats a foolish amount of money to spend. Its alienating a large proportion of the online and modding community.

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Well, it is intended for professional graphics work, and to a large corporation, $3,500 is nothing. As far as being worth it, if you're serious about doing 3d stuff for a career, you're going to have to buy one of the major programs eventually. And all of them are pretty much the same price. Well, except Maya ($15,000!, thank whatever god may exist the Morrowind export plugin isn't for that!) They do have a free version called gmax, though from what I've seen its not very good. All the render functions are out, export options are very limited, etc. I just know I'm very thankful for student discounts.
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*chokes on his own amazment at the price of Maya*


$15000!!! Thats astronomical! About the gmx version though, i thought thats what everyoine on here used to make mesh changes and soforth (if its not, dont kill me: i'm not a modder, at least not on the editor side of things). If it is, then obviously people can use it to good effect, whatever the drawbacks.

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Some people might, but I doubt too many of them do. There is a way to convert to a useable format and export to .nif, but its complicated, buggy, and you need someone with 3dsmax to do it. I at least, use a combination of 3dsmax and autocad for my modeling. I imagine most people use 3dsmax or one of the free/cheap modeling programs and have a someone who does have it do the final export.
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Peregrine I understand now why your sign is a rifle, because you shoot down everyones dreams. I have been trying to get my hands on 3D studio max forever, now know why I couldn't nobody has it, it cost too damn much! I must have this program!!!! I have the money, but damn no way i'm paying that. I can do 3D moldeling I've used other programs and I want to try my hand at 3D studio max. This is some kind of nightmare, I slap myself myself but I don't wake up. Kill me. Can you do that? Or just kill my dreams, next thing I know, you'll tell me that Arnold Swarzneger is the gov. of Califorina. :( :( :( :( :(
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*Lines up Spamslayer's crosshairs on Acrid's head*

*Paints Acrid's head all over the wall*


Happy now? Oh, and as for the governor thing, I'll be happy to tell you that Arnold Swarzneger is not the governor of California. But there is a guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger who thinks he's got that position!


german_man: Gmax is HERE

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