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Updating a old mod: More dynamic Injuries.


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Its a underrated mod that deserve some attention.

Right now its oudated and dangerous for savegames.

As medical suplies, like stitches, bandages, tourniquet (or you die from bleeding in battle), you need to treat broken bones. Also you need to heal companions.


Mod need:

- mcm menu

- diagnostic, in actual state you only see companion bleeding and need to give medical supplies until he uses the one needed.

- actual state mod take consideration about what type of weapon hurt you, and frostbite and burn too. this part need better implementation, sometimes damage is ignored for make the correct wound.

Sorry for my english.

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, I agree. This mod is really nice and it would be awesome if some could updating it.


Another problem : we can't make stitches even if you have the required materials. The only way you can have it, it's by buying them. And it's quite expensive.


Plus, since I have translated this mod in French, I could just updating the translation, so more people could enjoy it :) So I really hope someone would want to update this mod, because I can't play without it now.

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