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Most Hated NPC?

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Oh Skingrads full of worthless npc jerks! The biggest jackhole is Lazare Milzian or whatever his name is calling me "inferior blood". Then there's that Vlandrus Abor from the chapel saying I should talk to the beggers because he was too imporant to talk to me! Toutius Sextus says the same dang thing too( he's the reason I escort Glarthir around on his mission; he kills Sextus if I can get him past the guards). And I can't forget Maglir just sitting around and whining then betraying you after you try and help him.
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I hate that babbling 'noble' Ork from the fighters guild quest trying to speak old English, asking you to save his daughter from some Ogre's.........I want to gut him like a big green pig.... :verymad:
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Alval Uvani, 100%. I killed him before DB (Didn't know he was part of a DB quest). I remember it perfectly.


My first encounter with him was while sleeping in Olav's Tap & Tack. I wake up, and there he is, sneaking and stealing stuff from MY room! I wanted to tell him GTFO, but he refused to talk to me. I try to pay no attention to it, so I just leave.


I come back later, and he's there again, and again refuses to talk to me. So I get pissed, cast a rage spell on him, and watch him run out into the streets and get slaughtered by a guard. I proceed to rob him of his worldly possessions and leave him lying naked in the street.


He deserved it.

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Mine would be Jauffre. I really hate the dialog they have given him. with all the do it right nows, the hurry hurry. Here you are an escaped prisoner and yet it is only you that can save the world, while he sits around or wanders cloud with that attitude.
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Alval Uvani, 100%. I killed him before DB (Didn't know he was part of a DB quest). I remember it perfectly.


My first encounter with him was while sleeping in Olav's Tap & Tack. I wake up, and there he is, sneaking and stealing stuff from MY room! I wanted to tell him GTFO, but he refused to talk to me. I try to pay no attention to it, so I just leave.


I come back later, and he's there again, and again refuses to talk to me. So I get pissed, cast a rage spell on him, and watch him run out into the streets and get slaughtered by a guard. I proceed to rob him of his worldly possessions and leave him lying naked in the street.


He deserved it.


Indeed he's annoying, I entered olav's once. saw him sneaking around, left the place again. a few hours later (GT) I was travelling on the roads (Not certain where it was) And he was lying there dead I believe. Probably he started moaning at some creatures about his fire spells, which would turn them into ashes.. Guess they showed him how tough he actually was :)

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i hate that dumb orc in Cheydinhaal i think and everytime you get near him he says "Buzz buzz buzz go away little fly" and even though you saved his worthless hide from being a daedra snack he has no respect for you. I put up without about 5 minutes of his crap before I just offed him right there.

yes my black gauntlet with sharp claws touched his chest and incinerated him 1 hit thats how i preceeded with his cheek


i coulda just said i killed him but i wanted to describe it the jackass

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Perhaps the most hated (and arguably the most annoying) NPC has got to be Glarthir, you know, the ecentric paranoid Wood Elf who almost always manages to find you while in Skingrad? The one who no matter where you go in Skingrad he always runs after you? I either just duck into "Colovian Traders" or "Hammer and Tongs", or try to avoid Skingrad altogether.

i love glarthir :biggrin: (oh btw on my new char glarthir hasnt talked to me yet =o) i dont even know where he is oddly

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