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Most Hated NPC?

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Glarthir, keep the schmuck away! I guess sometime you just cant run though.


Just kill the guy in a secret place. If you're not seen, his death won't cause one of those psychic-guard responses like some other people do upon death. :devil:


Really, it's kinda hard to centralize your hate on any one NPC in the game. There are a lot in Oblivion that really either shouldn't be there, or are just total douches.

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There is this snotty man with a hammer walking around Cheydinhal I do not like. He always says I don't know you and I don't care to know you.


You must mean Ulrich Leland. I don't think any of us here like him at all.


probably that breton in skingrad that says you're not woth talking to him because he's superior.

Excellent target if you want to enter the dark brotherhood...


I wholeheartedly agree. The guy was asking for it anyway.

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The servant of the countess in bruma and glarthir, their only similarity..annoyance/quest triggering.

They actually keep me from entering their cities if would like to walk instead of run.

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I cant beleive nobody mentioned Raminus Polus

even as the arch mage that a**hole still suspended me after i decapitated one of the mage scholars who said they were to busy to talk

(using deadly reflex mod btw.)

who the F**k does he think he is telling me what to do.

why cant thay make him non-essential so i can off his a**?

and the count of bravil. but at least i can smash his skull to pieces with a slaughterfish (and get 400 gold for his remains. 200 for skull fragments, 200 for his brain)

of course once i complete every quest there is only one thing to do. KILL EVERYONE!!!!!

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