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[FO3] Looking for Testers (Animated Screen Resource)


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I'm about to release a big resource pack (116 Mb - 203Mb unpacked) of all kind of animated screens for FO3.

There's is a show room to discover with scripts and surprises.

I've been working on this for more than two years.


I'm looking for Testers. The kind who looks for details, nitpicks and can makes feedback and suggestions.


The set up is done, (Some minor tweaking left)).

It's designed to surprise progressively the visitor and, hopefully, create a wow factor.


PM me for more details/questions. Thank you.







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I must have misunderstood you. sorry.

Thanks. Yes but not immediately and certainly not a scripted show room, I've to check the shared assets (NV isn't installed anymore).

Old images:





Let me know if you'd like a real preview (esp)

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That's just too cool.


Well I wouldn't be able to make much use of it for now, I don't really mod FO3 as I much prefer the NV environment (or TTW). However I'd love to make use of it at some point.


Are the images static, or do they show real time activity? I assume static as I don't think there is any provisions in the engine for portals or mirrors.

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Don't hesitate to contact me when/if it's time. Just to check the asset conversion permission. Or maybe there's a way to make a NV - TTW package out of it and you would like to involved? Things are open.


The resource will be Nexus FO3 soon.


Yeah, image are static. The YouTube video was an early attempt to fake live stream. Then I broadened the screen concept a little and played with it.

Portal or mirror would be orgasmic! :D

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