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Leveling overhaul - perks, skills, attributes, and more

Guest deleted2493748

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Guest deleted2493748

I would like a more classic leveling system like that in Fallout New Vegas. Where when you level you get 10 or 15 points to put into skills like barter, science, guns, etc. and every 5 or 10 levels you get an attribute point to put into S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


Where perks are actually unique, like jury-rig from NV, mysterious stranger, and bloody mess. Not like Daddy's Boy from FO3 where it just raises your science and medicine skill.


Make is so you can attempt to pick any level lock, like a master lock (hacking terminals as well), but make it so your chances of success is based directly on your lockpicking skill, (science skill for hacking).


Bring back weapon durability, where you need the same weapon to repair it. pipe-weapon is needed to repair pipe-weapon. And have a jury-rig perk, like that in NV, where you can use a similar weapon instead of exact same, also make a jury-rig level two where you can use scrap to repair.


Bring back S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and skill dialogue to the game, for example, a high intelligence will give unique dialogue options with the institute, proving your smart enough for them, or a really low intelligence and they not-so-subtlety mock you.


I would like a more RPG-like equipment screen, kinda like what they have now for each of armor slots, but I would like to see icons for rings, glasses, masks, etc.

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Even though it might not apear to, the new perk system does almost the same thing as the old system. The new system adds more freedom if you ask me. Thing is, you also need to nerf exp gain and max levels if you remove all perks and turn them into skills again. Also completely redo the levelscaling of enemies and spawn requirements and such for loot. It's actually a more impactful change than you'd originally think.

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