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Runs very slow... help.


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I installed morrowind and started playing untill it started lagging alot just getting out of the ship you start at. It continued to seemingly get worse and worse untill it was taking close to a full minute or so just to get through a door. After the area would slowly pop into view the movement would be glitchy for some time. I could barely get to the point where you can first save a game.

I then went to nvidia drivers site and downloaded geforce file for XP named 52.16_win2kxp_english_whql. After installing it and restarting my pc the game would no longer work. The screen would come up and I would press play but it would come up with a message asking me if i wanted to report and error caused by this program. I tried this twice before re-installing the nvidia driver only to find the same problem...

I dont know what to try next. If someone here knows enough about this kinda stuff i would apreciated it greatly if u could help me fix my problem. thanks.

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I had problems with the 52.16 driver also. Try reinstalling your graphics card (should be easy as 1 2 3 with XP) then download driver version 45.23 (just enter 45.23 in the search field on the NVidia site). That's the version I use and it runs Morrowind just fine.
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Hmmm... I updated my video card and downloaded 45.23 (which there is about three differant ones) and now Morrowind wont even start again, even after re-installment. I'm still not sure why this is so screwed up. Thanks anyway. If someone else can help, please do. Thanks.
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ok, heres your problem, its your video card, anything will run slow on a geforce 2 mx, your processor is fine, its just your video card, i am running it on a SiS 315_315e, it runs the same as a toned down version of a geforce 2 mx.


so in a simple conclusion, go budget, and buy a cheap, and effective geforce 3 Ti500, it has pixelshader (reflective water) and can run the best games with most features on.


drivers wont do much for you on this game...unfortunantly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting point about the 52.16 drivers... I upgraded to a Geforce FX 5700 card from a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 (athlonXP 2100, 1 gig DDR ram).


The Geforce FX 5700 requires 52.16 drivers or later as any earlier drivers do not support this card (if you find earlier detonators that do let me know I have downloaded every single Nvidia driver from the website and nothing... yes every single one)


Anyway... I get better performance on the new card in every game but with Morrowind the old Geforce 4 performed better and it's because of the 52.16 Nvidia drivers (and later drivers) for the Geforce FX 5700 (not sure about other cards but possibly).


Areas will take ages to load and when you turn the mouse objects load jerkily, once they load framerates are great but zoning or going through a door takes an age for the new area to load.


I got hold of the 45.23 drivers (which don't support the FX 5700) but instead forced an install of the Geforce FX 5600 drivers (ie the wrong drivers for my graphics card) would you beleive it this problem went away with the older drivers? Even though the card performance must have been hampered by having the wrong drivers installed, of course it's adversely affected other games.


My advice... if you want to continue to play Morrowind DO NOT buy a 5700, get a Geforce FX 5600 OR 5800 (or above)


My advice to the Geforce 2 user, yes in theory the latest detonator drivers for nvidia are best for your card UDA etc etc blah blah but in reality you should use detonators that were released around or within a year later to when your card was released for the best performance on the types of games those cards will be restricted to playing.


Just my opinion of course... now I have to get a big freaking magnet and try to damage this graphics card so I can take it back to the shop, say it's faulty and get my money back :D woo look how much I wrote.

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Just my opinion of course... now I have to get a big freaking magnet and try to damage this graphics card so I can take it back to the shop, say it's faulty and get my money back :D

And, of course, hope that no-one who works in the store you bought it from reads this and puts two and two together. :lol:

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