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No friendly fire/melee on companions


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I think it would be awesome if there was a mod that eliminated the player doing regular damage (i.e. non explosion damage) to the companions, or at least prevent melee damage to companions. While this could maybe be useful in a few situations where the sole survivor is using guns, I find that I end up hurting my companion a lot when doing a melee playthrough, especially with the Big Leagues 4 perk unlocked.


If someone could make this happen that would be awesome. Thanks!

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  • 2 years later...

Even with the Inspirational perks, we still hurt our companions with melee AOE. The companion invulnerability that is supposed to come from activating the second level of Inspirational only seems to apply to ranged weapons. Please, don't even try to tell us it has anything to do with timing. :dry: Piper could be behind us and we still damage her with that AOE when using melee weapons. It's total BS. :down:

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