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Mod assistance plz!

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Hello all,

I've modded a lot of my other games in the past (TF2, Jedi Academy, L4D 1&2, Republic Commando etc.) and more often than not they make the game look ten times better. Now I want to get some really awesome mods for Fallout 3 which I received as a gift last month. Problem is...just from browsing some of the mods of FO3 Nexus, I get a feeling its gonna be a hell of a lot harder than my previous modding experiences!


I've been looking mostly for mods using the most simple way to add them to the game (aka the old drag and drop method) and I'm not finding many. So far I have only installed a couple which have resulted in mixed experiences during gameplay (Ex. 100% repair mod = Awesome! VS. Head Bobbing Mod = I think I'm gonna blow chunks...).

I'm mostly looking for mods that help improve the overall gameplay experience, but don't drastically change everything to the point where I'm not playing Fallout 3 as much as I'm playing Mod-out 3...know what I mean?


Anyway, getting to the point of this message...I need help. Most mods for FO3 out there require the download of programs that I have no clue whatsoever on how to use them, and Youtube tutorials (at least the ones I found) are majorly confusing or total crap. So what I am asking of the Nexus community is for someone to be able to either help me understand how these mod programs work in the most simple way possible...OR...help me find (or suggest) some good "drag and drop" mods that will improve the game experience. I am not against the use of some sort of computer grab program (where you are in control of my comp to download and install the programs yourself) or just posting step-by-step instructions here or emailing them to me. I just really want an epic looking version of Fallout 3 to play.





P.S. Just to make it known, my copy of FO3 is STEAM based from their store...no CD copy. Figured that would be something that needed mentioning.

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Most mods actually don't require much more expertise than unpacking an archive (usually .7z, .zip or .rar) into the Fallout/Data directory and then checking off a box in FOMM. While there are a few out there packaged as FOMODs, the basic install process is really pretty easy.


Learning programs like FO3Edit and GECK is for when either a) your mods don't play well with one another, or b) you want to modify or create your own. Conflicts are going to happen, and the better you learn those tools, the smoother your gameplay experience will be. There's no real "drag and drop" experience here that makes it easier than unpacking an archive and checking a box.


To learn more about FO3Edit, read the Miaxs Training Manual: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8629


I think that's the main document you're probably looking for.

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Kai Hohiro's Video Install Guide, is an excellent introduction into the ways of applying mods to FO3: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13111


In fact one of the first things you'll learn is that dragging and dropping mods will lead you into a whole world of hurt in Fallout 3. Unless the mod you're adding really is a single .esp file I'd advise against it (even then, it's probably not a good idea if you have a ton of such mods).


Have a look at those videos and get to know FOMM and FO3Edit, you'll have a much more enjoyable FO3 experience for it.



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Hey thanks guys for getting back to me on this. I had no idea what to do but with your links and comments I now have some pretty fun mods installed! My personal favorite right now? The Orbat! A bat that when you hit someone sends them flying for miles while all their weapons and equipment stay with you! XD

I'm looking forward to trying some of the bigger and better ones and hopefully your info and links can help me get those implemented as well...most of all the Fellout weather and wasteland look mod as well as the RM_Iron Sights mod which I sure is one of the most used mods out there! So again thanks for all the help and I look forward to trying new stuff!

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