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It's Quiet. Too Quiet.


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I guess this probably can't be done until post CK.


But here's a little experiment you can run.


Load up your Fallout 4, go outside into the Commonwealth, move away from any settlements and turn your radio off.

Now go into your settings and turn your music down.


Unpause the game.


Hear that? Nothing.


No wind rustling in the trees. No birds squawking in the distance? Hell, not even any gunfire ten miles away can be heard.


Even New Vegas had ambient gunfire noises!?


What the hell is this?


My request, I guess, is that Fallout 4 quite desperately needs some ambient sound. I doubt that the only things you'd be able to hear in the Commonwealth is your own footsteps and gunfire from about 20 meters away, tops.

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We could definitely try this as we're creating a lot of sound mods at the moment.


The only thing would be the amount of audio replacement there will be. It's doable, but if there's no sound without music, sfx etc. without the GECK it'll have to be replaced elsewhere.


We'll definitely try though!

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