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Clearly they knew were Bin Laden was, they register all house owners and they have military training camp just a few thousand feet from his compound.


Plus his compound is a few miles north of the capital city.


So what should be done?


I think a long term espionage mission would be the best bet, any other thoughts on this?

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Not sure what you mean by long term espionage mission. Please explain.

A secret CIA operation within Pakistan.


With what goal exactly? I am sure the CIA is already operating there and I am sure they have what assets they can get in the government.

Edited by csgators
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I am sure (though I don't have links) that the CIA is so far up Pakistan's behind that they can not see daylight. That is all well and good. Do I think it sucks that they very obviously knew Bin Laden was there? Of course. They may have put him on somewhat of a leash...I don't know.


The problem is this....they need us...but we need them just as much. The region is so volatile as it is. Destabilizing Pakistan...even is its a morally right decision....would be a freaking disaster for the U.S in the region. There are groups there that obviously do not like American interference and are working actively against us...but we still are able to control them by in large and we DO have operatives there. Smile nice to the world and yank their chains as hard as you can behind the curtain. Would we want our guys there if the country was exploding all over? I think not.


This is a dirty game being played. If the U.S. wants to "win" then they are going to have to play dirty pool too. It is repugnant on many levels to me but that is how you win. How they took out Bin Laden is a perfect example. Get in, get out and kill who you have to kill.


I did not want my country involved in all this to begin, but they are there. Crying over the spilled milk helps no one at this point. The question now is...what can we do to protect our interest in the area? Perhaps the question should be less about how we do business in the Middle East but WHY we are doing business in the Middle East.


As for now...I want the US intelligence operations to get as much info as they can. I consider myself a liberal but every damn time I see one of those soldiers on tv, with a date of birth and a date of death under his picture, a story of a son he never saw, I care less and less about HOW we do business, I just want to get it done.


Work at home to decrease our dependence on the area, work there to protect the interest we now have...and bring as many of our team home as possible. If that means letting Pakistan off the hook on this one, so be it.

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Not sure what you mean by long term espionage mission. Please explain.

A secret CIA operation within Pakistan.

I suggest we send our best double ought spy..Jethro Bodine..that is if we can get him to put aside his other profession of brain surgeon . :whistling:

BTW Lisnpuppy's reply was excellent, mine is tongue in cheek.

Edited by Aurielius
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LisnPuppy, you just said a mouthful! Couldn't have said it better myself.



PS, neglected to mention that I found A's humor up to his usual excellent standards as well. Sorry A for the oversight...

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Well guys, I'm from the South, as most of you know by now, or if not, you do now. I saw this picture a while back and thought it was rather appropriate:


I would like to introduce you all to the USRSF.

It's an elite military unit formed by the Pentagon, called the United States Redneck Special Forces.




These good 'ole boys will be dropped into enemy territory and given only the following facts about the enemy:

1) The season opened today.

2) There is no bag limit.

3) They taste just like chicken.

4) They do NOT like pickup trucks, beer, Jesus, their momma, OR country music.

5) They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.


The Pentagon expects this problem to be resolved by next Friday.


Serious mode re-engaged:

Lisnpuppy covered it pretty well. I think I'll just fourth that thought myself, after Aurielius and Grannywils.


EDIT: Also, Jethro Bodine for the win. I support our double ought spy all the way.

Edited by RZ1029
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I am sure (though I don't have links) that the CIA is so far up Pakistan's behind that they can not see daylight. That is all well and good. Do I think it sucks that they very obviously knew Bin Laden was there? Of course. They may have put him on somewhat of a leash...I don't know.


The problem is this....they need us...but we need them just as much. The region is so volatile as it is. Destabilizing Pakistan...even is its a morally right decision....would be a freaking disaster for the U.S in the region. There are groups there that obviously do not like American interference and are working actively against us...but we still are able to control them by in large and we DO have operatives there. Smile nice to the world and yank their chains as hard as you can behind the curtain. Would we want our guys there if the country was exploding all over? I think not.


This is a dirty game being played. If the U.S. wants to "win" then they are going to have to play dirty pool too. It is repugnant on many levels to me but that is how you win. How they took out Bin Laden is a perfect example. Get in, get out and kill who you have to kill.


I did not want my country involved in all this to begin, but they are there. Crying over the spilled milk helps no one at this point. The question now is...what can we do to protect our interest in the area? Perhaps the question should be less about how we do business in the Middle East but WHY we are doing business in the Middle East.


As for now...I want the US intelligence operations to get as much info as they can. I consider myself a liberal but every damn time I see one of those soldiers on tv, with a date of birth and a date of death under his picture, a story of a son he never saw, I care less and less about HOW we do business, I just want to get it done.


Work at home to decrease our dependence on the area, work there to protect the interest we now have...and bring as many of our team home as possible. If that means letting Pakistan off the hook on this one, so be it.


What I was trying to say is that the USA should focus entirely on getting as much information as possible about Pakistan, and nothing more.

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