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A noobish question regarding TES Construction Set


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I'm working thru tutorial on the wiki on creating a custom race and my question is I've saved the filed and it shows up on the data list but when I try to find it in the data folder, its not there.


So I was wondering what have I done wrong? What else do I have to do to see it as a plugin in the data folder so others can use it?


Thanks heaps in advance.

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You probably saved it in the wrong place. Look around for it.


In the TES, it only has the file > save option and that's what I did. I looked thru the data folder and its not there. I tried using the windows search file option to find it and it says shortcut not found. :rolleyes: Have I done something silly?

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There you go. A "silly mistake". If its simple try redoing it. Making a race is easy.



LOL, I knew I did something silly. :D


Thing is how do I save it properly?? I followed this tut from the wiki to the end but it never states how to save it. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...ting_a_new_race


I hope you'll excuse me for asking something this silly but its my first time using the TES Construction Set. :blush:


Well, I finally solved the problem. It wasn't me being silly at all lol but Vista's. For some reason when Oblivion was installed, it created an extra copy and put it in C:User\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramFiles\BethesdaSoftware\Oblivion\Data. As to why Vista even see the need to do that is beyond me. :rolleyes:


Thanks all for your help. Much appreciated.:)

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