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Help with broken/stuck FG quest


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I'm doing the Fighter's Guild quest The Noble's Daughter. I got everything fine up to the point of fighting the ogres. I thought maybe Lord Rugdumph would help me with the ogres, so I tried to lure one inside. Lord Rugdumph, the coward, fled outside and down the road, with an ogre in hot pursuit.


Now I've killed 2 out of the 3 ogres, Lord Coward is back in his house, and the third ogre is NOWHERE to be found. And I mean nowhere, I spent an hour searching the surrounding wilderness. Haughty Miss won't talk to me until I kill the third ogre, which I can't find.


Anyone have any suggestions? Is there a code I can use to put the quest back to the beginning, or just stuff it to the end so I can continue the guild quests? I'm well and truly out of ideas.


Thanks in advance.

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Dunno about the console codes needed to advance the quest, but I must say something about 'Lord Coward': Rugdumph hired you to rescue his daughter. If he could have done it himself, he wouldn't be paying the Fighters' Guild for assistance. ;)
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Setstage FGC09Ogres 30 should advance it to the point where you killed the Ogres.


You could try spawning the third ogre using the placeatme command. Trouble is you need the correct code. This may be "FGC09Ogre 0000BE98" but I wouldn't guarantee it.

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