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ME2 ending


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Well, considering what the collectors once were, and considering the fact that they've been extremely genetically altered (to say the least), they've essentially become nothing more then puppets for the Reapers to control. "Drones" would be the most fitting description I guess.

So, in the end, I'd say it's better for the collectors to be dead then to serve an eternity as mindless zombie-slaves for a bunch of megalomaniac machines... "It's better to burn out then to fade away"


Exactly. The Collectors were heavily indoctrinated, just in the same way Saren was indoctrinated. There's really no difference between Saren and the Collectors, both were puppets long deprived of their free will.


True. However, at the end of ME1, Saren still had some "humanity" left in him, if you will.


I doubt that the Protheans still had individuality at the end, as they had been enslaved for far longer than Saren. That, and they had been genetically modified to such an extent that they were no longer really Protheans.


I think what some translated as "Worry" or "Sadness," was actually just emptiness. They were lost without their Reaper masters to guide them.

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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Yep, all too true Indoril. Like a bee hive without it's queen...


I guess they've essentially become just like the "keepers' found on the Citadel. Useful tools designed for a single purpose but nothing more. although it's not known whether the keepers have actually been genetically altered at all.

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... although it's not known whether the keepers have actually been genetically altered at all.

'cuz living beings might naturally evolve data interlinks and pliers at the ends of limbs... (Sorry, couldn't resist. :tongue: )


But I agree that the Collectors (and Saren) had become mere tools.

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... although it's not known whether the keepers have actually been genetically altered at all.

'cuz living beings might naturally evolve data interlinks and pliers at the ends of limbs... (Sorry, couldn't resist. :tongue: )


But I agree that the Collectors (and Saren) had become mere tools.

Hehe, sharp. Although those may just be cybernetic enhancements. Then again, how do they get those? Ahhh so many questions. Oh well.

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But the rest of the Collectors were controlled by the General, who was in turn being directly and completely controlled by Harbinger. Right before the end Harbinger accused them of failing (even though he was the one controlling them) and released his control over the General. Edited by Lehcar
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... Right before the end Harbinger accused them of failing (even though he was the one controlling them) and released his control over the General.

Yeah, Harbinger dropped a (now demonstrably inadequate) tool. Doesn't make it/them any more than a tool.

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