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Seperate coloring options (my first mod)


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I got am getting pretty annoyed by the secondary colors being tied to hats and thought it might be a good place to start learning how to mod as it shouldn't be that complicated. Does anyone know how I would go about acquiring the skill to do this. I don't know any coding language, but I am fairly good at learning new software tools, because I have some experience with different programs like 3ds max, pro tools, premiere pro and after effects.
What I want to do is make a seperaty coloring menu for hats in the costumization menu, just as the guns have.


Hope you can give me some tips :)

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This one seems to be coder's job.


Option 1 - hard - new color button for hats

  • new button in customization interface menu
  • a variable to store the color option for every soldier
  • new function to preview hat's color in customization interface
  • a change of function, where is the secondary color tied to hats
  • and whatever comes up


Option 2 - easy - the primary color is applied to hats instead of the secondary

  • a change of function, where is the secondary color tied to hats


You don't have to be seasoned programmer to do that, but it can take some time to understand how XCOM 2 code works, what is where doing what and how to change it.


I can see the desire for the option, because I'd like to have it too. Hopefully you or someone else can make the mod :)

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