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[request] Stop or crippeled when over carrying capacity


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Hi everyone,


I play my Game in a very relaxed way. There is no desire to rush for me, becouse i love to walk with my good old dogmeat beside me.

So i usaly walk when i travel in the wastelands, you know the type of slow speed we are forced to when carrying too much stuff. There for the overloading of my guy has no effect to me, mostly beside in combat when i start running (towards the enemy ofcourse).


So i want the game to effect me when i got to much loot in my inventory! In a bigger way than it does actualy!


I woud like to reduce the movement speed to a slug like speed, or even better make me walked like both legs are crippeled. But if this is not possible, i am okay when it would stop me from moving entirely.


If you would make a mod that does that i woud be vary happy. If it could archived in altering some .ini tell me where please!


I hope my english is not painfull to read. ^^

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