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Info about Modified Hair & Eyes


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All right - after the last few comments on my mod this is the last straw. Even the page is gone now. I hope you're happy.


You want to know I was so "underhanded" to leave the link? Fine, I'll tell you - first, it's been here awhile. I thought letting people know where it went would be the right thing to do. Had I wanted increased traffic to my website I would have put a link to my own domain and not directly to the page with the file in question. Second - some other mods have been based off of mine and link to mine. I didn't think it would be so much trouble to leave the page so that it wouldn't break their links.


I don't know what e-mail addresses and names you guys may have or may still use to sign up at my personal forum, but if you bother me over there I will be pulling all files permanently.


So much for community.




And to the person who initially posted the Japanese readme instead of sending it to me (information I DID NOT HAVE), I still wish you would have communicated with me privately before starting this ****storm (censored myself there). It's not like I stole any files. I did get in touch with someone in the Japanese community before putting that file together, but thanks to you and the additional people who decided to speak without discretion this file is now gone.

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  • 1 year later...
Just bumping so people see this thread. I will now be a lurker here and no more.


Very sorry to hear this. I really don't understand the kind of politicizing and backbiting especially among the western and asian mod communities and even within our own communities.


It's one of the only things that makes me really angry when modding and playing my favorite game. Again, I'm very sorry!

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Just bumping so people see this thread. I will now be a lurker here and no more.


Very sorry to hear this. I really don't understand the kind of politicizing and backbiting especially among the western and asian mod communities and even within our own communities.


It's one of the only things that makes me really angry when modding and playing my favorite game. Again, I'm very sorry!


I won't name names, but I don't believe it was someone from the Japanese community who decided to start this but rather someone else who decided to tell me in public that I was wrong. Fine, if I'm wrong I'm wrong but don't voice those concerns publicly - take it to a moderator or discuss with me in private. That angered me off more than the actual message.

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:confused: Who said the what now?


What were the comments about? Copying Japanese modders' work or something?


I would assume they left a comment rather than pm you so that other people would read it and not download.


If you have permission to use the files, it shouldn't be a big deal with what they say if you comment back and say you have permission. I always look at the author's response because people can be jerks/misinterpret. You're letting the petty/misinformed people win by taking it down. I never saw the file in question, so I don't know if you did this or not, but naming the people/mods you got permission from always clears things up. You don't even really have to link (which leads investigators to maybe see a "You do not have permission to use unless you pm me" and assume you just didn't contact them)


More information is better, and maybe before posting it up, ask on the forums if it's okay if you got permission:


Hey, just wanting to clear things up, but is it alright for me to post this mod? I got permission from (so-and-so) to use (such-and-such), I made (whatever) and I'm just checking to make sure before I post it.


Then you can link to your thread where you asked if anyone questions you, and if they still bother you, to everyone else, they'll look like jerks and you don't have to worry about them.


Or you can take comments/rating off. :3


But I totally don't know the situation, so if you wanna clear anything up, feel free :3

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Let me give you my take on this, as an amateur photographer, and would-be artist.


If there is something you'd like to use, but you do not know the artist's name, or contact information, even though you've searched for it, usually if you put up a "disclaimer" saying,


"I'm trying to find and contact the artist of this work, if you have any information please contact me so that permissions can be sought formally."


There is no other way to find out, in many cases, without actually posting it.


Why is that Not Good Enough For Mods that should be "open source" to the extent that they are made possible by Bethesda's own freely available Construction Set.


And it seems to me that the Asian community has no heartburn about using stuff they find in these public areas, but we are not allowed to use stuff we find in a public area, meaning I didn't have to log in to get them.


What is up with this craziness?

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I agree with myrm.


Any effort to show you mean well (such as putting up a good disclaimer) that you want to get permission but don't know where to go always looks good to the people that generally view your mod. The smartasses have no ground when you are on the defense with a disclaimer.

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:confused: Who said the what now?


What were the comments about? Copying Japanese modders' work or something?


*sigh* Basically it was in regards to a particular hair style in my cosmetics pack. The complainer/commenter quoted me a readme I'd never seen before saying their terms said I was allowed to reuse, but not allowed to post it on big sites like TES Nexus.


Edit: Oh and I must add, of course this person was not the one who made the hair in question, but somebody who had downloaded it in another mod somewhere.


I got the hairs from a different source apparently than he did (Japanese version of Beautiful People), and before I added any of the hair to the pack I emailed the person in charge of the project and asked if I could get permission and if they were not the right ones to ask, then whom should I ask.


They responded with the terms and usage that they knew, and gave me names. It turned out some of the people had left the community and a search of their names on google didn't help me find them or I would have asked them via translator or whatever.


I'm sure it's totally my bad for using the hairs anyway, but I thought that if I gave info on how to get a hold of me, they could at least find me if they didn't want their stuff added.


And I do want to mention that the hairs in question are derivatives of Ren's, which I know are freely usable (thanks Ren!) but I'm not too sure how that goes once somebody modifies it.



I never saw the file in question, so I don't know if you did this or not, but naming the people/mods you got permission from always clears things up. You don't even really have to link (which leads investigators to maybe see a "You do not have permission to use unless you pm me" and assume you just didn't contact them)


It was a cosmetic compilation - much like beautiful people, but used vanilla eye meshes, vanilla heads, and with my own races.


More information is better, and maybe before posting it up, ask on the forums if it's okay if you got permission:


Hey, just wanting to clear things up, but is it alright for me to post this mod? I got permission from (so-and-so) to use (such-and-such), I made (whatever) and I'm just checking to make sure before I post it.


Then you can link to your thread where you asked if anyone questions you, and if they still bother you, to everyone else, they'll look like jerks and you don't have to worry about them.


Oh I had information abundantly available. People just don't like to read it because I write too much I guess. I even went so far as to supplement with a web-page like readme so that people could easily navigate the sections with a single click. Every name was credited to my knowledge.


Or you can take comments/rating off. :3


Is there now a way to do that without creating a new page? I guess I could have just gone ahead and made a new page.


Oh, and speaking of readmes - this was all I could see in the Beautiful People pack. Maybe I'm missing a font (though the Japanese characters appeared normally at the forum) but I can't translate this through a direct paste into babelfish.

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I'm just happy you decided to participate in this conversation, you know why? Because it is just exactly these kinds of headaches/heartaches that discourage creative and well-intentioned (AND VALUABLE) modders from participating in the community, which should be about freely sharing and having fun with it.


That's what really gets my goat!


(and I applied to your forum, because supporting modders and the modding community in a healthy and positive manner, is deeply important to me.)

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