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Info about Modified Hair & Eyes


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I'm just happy you decided to participate in this conversation, you know why? Because it is just exactly these kinds of headaches/heartaches that discourage creative and well-intentioned (AND VALUABLE) modders from participating in the community, which should be about freely sharing and having fun with it.


That's what really gets my goat!


(and I applied to your forum, because supporting modders and the modding community in a healthy and positive manner, is deeply important to me.)


I appreciate the support. I guess I just wish that if I've made a mistake on something that someone would just quietly "take me aside" through PM or whatever and point it out to me - give me a chance to make it right instead of trying to make a fool out of me.


I initially moved the mod to my own site and left a link here because I remembered reading something about the concern with big sites. It was after I made a move to try and make it right that someone commented and accused me of trying to drive traffic to my own website (as I said - if I wanted to do that why would I have linked directly to the thread in the forum where the mod could be found? I've even deleted my website link here and don't have it listed on that forum.) Someone even commented and rated it a "1" and called me something I'm sure is foul in a foreign language. I could have reported it, true but if I'm in the wrong then I figured it's just better to take the thing down and be done with it.


And I know it's not an excuse, but I didn't see buddah's thread about Japanese mods until after I'd posted my mod. I rarely use these forums here.

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  • 1 month later...

I am just glad you still make this beautiful mod available to us. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.


And btw...derivatives of an open source product (artistic or not) are by law open source as far as I know, in any country. Even if someone can find a way around that, the logic that you can take someone else's creative work, make your own creative work out of it and distribute it over the internet, and then get mad if someone else either adapts it or simply redistributes it free of charge over the internet is still a concept I have yet to fathom. If I paint a mustache on a replica of the Mona Lisa (replica is the key word here since the original is not open source) and throw a .bmp out on DeviantArt and then see someone else take my .bmp and add eyeglasses and a cigar and reditribute it, how shady would I look for trying to say they can't use my work? :wallbash:


Even stranger is a situation like this where, from what I gather, the person complaining wasn't even the author. Whomever that person was, I hope they read this small suggestion: Get out more, you need more real life. :thumbsup::D


/step away from faux podium


:thanks: Thanks again SA....this mod is a huge contribution to my enjoyment of Oblivion.


And btw...Murphy has added a new law in an attempt to keep up with the modern era...


"Those who complain first have not read the readme file yet."



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And btw...Murphy has added a new law in an attempt to keep up with the modern era...


"Those who complain first have not read the readme file yet."




And this is one of the greater truths which sadly, is so neglected. :huh:


I fully support SavageArtistry's decision to move her mod. Not only because I'm using her files in two of my mods which I've been fully open about. :yes:

I had some problems of my own on another site with a different mod of mine. I pulled it but after intervention by the moderator I put it back. However, I will only support it here and the report button is very close by.


Disabling comments is a two edged sword, unfortunately. Users who have something constructive to say have no voice and genuine seekers of assistance also have to go elsewhere to find answers. I like to tell authors when I like their mod and be able to ask for assistance if necessary.

BUT, I understand the temptation to disable comments, believe me.

All because of some Prima Donnas looking for attention and lacking in manners.


Perhaps these people like the taste of sour grapes :sick: since a lot of them seem to enjoy picking and poking into things that don't concern them directly.


If the original authors have a problem it's up to them to do something about it even if they've been informed by a third party. If there's a language barrier it makes it harder, of course, but I'm sure if Author X wanted his stuff removed he/she would find a way to do it.

It's the way in which it's accomplished that's important, even if said third party has to be involved and only when they have a vested interest. Not just to nit pick.


After all, if there was no Oblivion CS and therefore mods, they would have to move elsewhere and complain about someone else.



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Just thought I'd add my input here to something SA mentioned earlier:


And I do want to mention that the hairs in question are derivatives of Ren's, which I know are freely usable (thanks Ren!) but I'm not too sure how that goes once somebody modifies it.



If the hairs in question were based on Ren's work, Ren has copyrights on them and has stated it's open resource, it will mean that no matter who comes barging in, all derivatives etc. will always be open resource no matter what the author of the derivative may say, due to the fact that he/she doesn't own any rights to the original piece which was modified. If anyone modifies copyrighted material, the holder of the copyright recieves automatic ownership of it aswell, however credit can/may/will be given for the appropriate persons.


Basically, if Ren holds the copyright for the hair files, you did nothing wrong and the person starting the so-called 'shitstorm' was wrong instead. Copyright laws etc. can be complicated, but it all comes down to the facts I stated above and some basic code of conduct with giving the appropriate credit.


I've personally used your mods in the past and I have to say I've enjoyed them. Don't let a few geeks living in their mother's basements with no legal knowledge at all come accusing you of theft/whatever. No one deserves crap like that and should the need arise, there are people here with some real legal knowledge, although even if it can be limited to the laws of our own home countries.(Myself for example, I've dealt with Finnish copyright law enough to know it pretty much thoroughly, even if I'm not a lawyer and my other regions of legal knowledge are more than lacking.)



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This might sound... Rather, how to say, mean? Why not just have kept it up anyway? Now, I understand the level of respect between modders. But with your contact info. and requesting that you dicuss the mods' -post-ability?- while at the same time having it posted up, seems the mature thing to do. How else are these people going to know you going to try to post it?



I digress, this little individual must have spoken out of turn, in a tone that upsets/upsetted you. So, for that, I'm sorry. Personally, I think you're handling things rather well. Cheers, mate.

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I'm sort of surprised this topic's gotten more attention. I would have responded sooner but our internet's been out two days (goes out with the rain... I'm currently waiting to see if they send a repairman today).


I'll just say that I appreciate the support that you guys/gals are showing, and I'm glad to hear your opinions about what was discussed in the thread.


In regards to my decision to remove the mod from 'Nexus, I had just finished dealing with a problem (which was my fault) with one of my smaller mods in regards to if I could use it or not (note to other modders: it's not a good idea to mod from the official plugins). At that moment it was a feeling of "Well I just got this one fixed up to be acceptable here. Did I go and screw up this one (MHE) as well? Will the moderators be upset with me?" At the time I thought it would be a better idea just to pull the file and upload elsewhere. Of course I dared to be so "underhanded" as to leave the download page up with a URL pointing to the new location, but that was because I knew Maigrets still had links to the 'Nexus download page in her own mods' readmes. After people started calling me names for that I just took down the whole page.


Anyway, as I mentioned to Maigrets in a PM the other day, I might put the mod back up here if the ratings system does indeed get that overhaul. I'll still probably disable comments, so people will have to go to my forum for support/comments/flames or whatnot.


As far as the person I kept referring to who had that readme (which he still never sent me) I didn't mention his name here because it seems kind of petty to do so. What he said was not a flame, or even inappropriate. What made me angry about it was the way in which he did it. He should have spoken to me or a moderator about the problem privately. Posting like he did seemed like he was trying to deliberately embarrass me. It kept fanning the flames of resentment I had for him when he joined the Canadian Ice forums after I began posting progress about my mod (the previous thread which has now been removed) and kept commenting on things there. His comments there and here always seem to be revolving around informing people of things - sometimes it can be helpful but othertimes it comes across, at least to me, as condescending.

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I'm sort of surprised this topic's gotten more attention. I would have responded sooner but our internet's been out two days (goes out with the rain... I'm currently waiting to see if they send a repairman today).


I'll just say that I appreciate the support that you guys/gals are showing, and I'm glad to hear your opinions about what was discussed in the thread.


In regards to my decision to remove the mod from 'Nexus, I had just finished dealing with a problem (which was my fault) with one of my smaller mods in regards to if I could use it or not (note to other modders: it's not a good idea to mod from the official plugins). At that moment it was a feeling of "Well I just got this one fixed up to be acceptable here. Did I go and screw up this one (MHE) as well? Will the moderators be upset with me?" At the time I thought it would be a better idea just to pull the file and upload elsewhere. Of course I dared to be so "underhanded" as to leave the download page up with a URL pointing to the new location, but that was because I knew Maigrets still had links to the 'Nexus download page in her own mods' readmes. After people started calling me names for that I just took down the whole page.


Anyway, as I mentioned to Maigrets in a PM the other day, I might put the mod back up here if the ratings system does indeed get that overhaul. I'll still probably disable comments, so people will have to go to my forum for support/comments/flames or whatnot.


As far as the person I kept referring to who had that readme (which he still never sent me) I didn't mention his name here because it seems kind of petty to do so. What he said was not a flame, or even inappropriate. What made me angry about it was the way in which he did it. He should have spoken to me or a moderator about the problem privately. Posting like he did seemed like he was trying to deliberately embarrass me. It kept fanning the flames of resentment I had for him when he joined the Canadian Ice forums after I began posting progress about my mod (the previous thread which has now been removed) and kept commenting on things there. His comments there and here always seem to be revolving around informing people of things - sometimes it can be helpful but othertimes it comes across, at least to me, as condescending.



I've updated my links in Gothic Breton to point to the new forum when I updated the other day. I haven't yet done it for Dremora Kin...forgot all about it, but will do ASAP. :smile:

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