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Your favorite city


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I wanted to know which cities are your favorite and also what are the most popular ones I'm also including the two cities from the shivering isles Bliss and Crucible.and I'll also want an explanation as to why there your favorite cities.like for me even though bravil is thought of as the most crime ridden and disease infested town by the Npc's I find it to be the most memorable.The veiw that you get as you exit your home is astounding.how it just captures the water canal and the whole town on the screen is just perfect. and my other favorite would have to be Crucible the mood that,that town sets is perfect it reminds me of morrowind somehow I have fun finding secrets in Crucible it just so dark and dreary.
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i happen to like anvil myself. the ocean, dockside buildings, the gang of female thieves, the manor, & that butchery in the chapel. the houses just look a bit more unique than anywhere else. and it just makes such nice screenies. (iMHO as always ;) ) Edited by Invisible Man
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Skingrad for me. It's just the right size -- not as cripplingly big as the Imperial City, but still large and busy. I love the bridge to the castle at night, all lit up with torches. I like the way the city is set up so that the major buildings surround the road while still allowing travelers to pass through unhindered. I love that it's the birthplace of all the best wines in Cyrodill. And, of course, I love the fact that it's full of some of the most insane characters in the game -- like Glarthir who kills everyone with his axe (I usually refuse to help him now) and Falanu Hlaalu the necrophile. There's just so much more crazy stuff going on in Skingrad than even in most parts of the Imperial City.


And I mean, the count's a vampire. And he likes it. Seriously awesome.

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Without a doubt, it's Chorrol. Though many others find it too generic, that's what I love about it. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Nothing evil/dark lurking within its depths (unlike somewhere within the Skingrad Castle wine cellar). Leader of the Fighter's Guild is also situated here, along with the Champion. The style of the wooden (interior) homes really appeals to me as well. It's unfortunate Arborwatch's interior is cold and dreary (even with upgrades). I really liked Francois Montierre's home, and took over it once he left. Just had to ignore the type of person who had lived there.


Chorrol's also home to my favourite Mages Guild branch. It's really spacious, with a basement, a bustling and busy ground floor, a rather good library, and fairly private quarters with a lot of space between them.

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Anvil hands down. Next to the ocean and a dock, I feel right at home their.Lighthouse too is a nice addition to all the other one. Then better cities and UL mods make it even better. Really awesome place.
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While not actually a city, I find it the best place to have a house and live - Cropsford.

Its out of the way, there are no nosey neighbours so I can come and go as I please, its close to a road but not on it, I never come home and find some beggar on my stoop or worse, in the house, just the sound of crickets at night, theres always money in the reward chest, the fishing is great at the docks just south of Culotte which is within comfortable walking distance, there's a dock so I have a place to leave my boat, I have the room for one so the garden grows just fine and I always have the ingredients I need without running all over to find them, no stupid guards shouting "hail champion" or "what do you need", I can have any house I want because there's lots of room for it, there's fresh air and sunshine, there's water for the beer maker, the horses can wander and no one ever bothers them, the sky at night is awesome with no city lights interfering....,

I could go on and on, but Cropsford is the place for me.

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Mine would have to be Sadrith Mora. I've always loved those mushroom houses, and my characters always joined House Telvanni, wizard or no. Plus, it's the Telvanni council seat, so you get to hang around with all those crazy Dunmeri archmages... oh, wait, we're talking about Oblivion? Then I guess it'd be a toss-up between Bruma and Leyawiin. I like the snow in Bruma, and how half the population are drunks, but the half-drowned atmosphere (especially with Better Cities) and racial hostility in Leyawiin give it a wonderful liveliness that I don't feel anywhere else.
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It's probably a tie between Anvil and Skingrad. I'm fond of the shape and layout for both Anvil and Skingrad. While Skingrad has a self-sufficient vibe that you can see in the way the businesses and the agriculture is set-up, Anvil looks and feels like it should as a city organized around its port. On the other hand, there's also Bruma which has that sort of charm that a snow-covered city has.
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I'm partial to Cheydinhal myself. I love the trees and the river and the little bridges and the style of the houses and the small size and adjkhjs~

I suspect I like it because of where I live myself, Cheydinhal has always given off a "wetter" climate, like where I live in Oregon. It may also be because of the dark brotherhood sanctuary there, which was the first guild I joined when first starting up the game. I grew to just love the guild members (however morbid some of them were ;P) and really was what kept me playing when first starting up. I also always buy the house there because of how small yet decorated it is! I love opening that little gate to get in, and carefully closing it behind me... hahaha. I feel like such a fangirl.


I can't head but feel Cheydinhal is the red-headed stepchild of the cities. xD I've seen people list off the cities and just plain forget Cheydinhal! That may be another reason I like it, I feel like I have it all to myself, hahah. ;P


If I had to summarize Cheydinhal in two words... they'd be: Quaint and poignant. An unforgettable combination for me. c:

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