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FNV Projectile Camera Issue.


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Don't know if anyone else has this problem, but Projectiles (especially Missiles, which I use VERY often) are virtually never followed by the camera in VATS like they were in F3. In F3, pretty much every shot (Missiles and otherwise) showed the projectile travel all the way to the target in slow motion and display an epic death of the NPC / Creature in question. To me, that was the most entertaining part of combat, being a player that has always used and preferred using VATS. Is there any way to fix this so I can get the F3 VATS Projectile Camera for NV, either through a mod or modding it myself? All I ever see during a VATS sequence is 3rd person "behind the shoulder" view and nothing else, totally destroying a major part of why I play NV.


Thanks in advance.



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Make sure you haven't set the Kill Cam mode to 'Player View'.


Also this mod might be helpful.


I actually left Kill Cam Mode on the default setting, which is 'Cinematic'.


For the mod you mentioned, I actually tried that yesterday and it didn't seem to do anything at all, aside from making the VATS Missile Camera insane beyond words slow, to the point where it took 2-3 minutes to arrive at the target. I'm wondering why the whole thing was changed from the way it was in F3, which to me, was much better in this respect compared to NV.


There must be a way to change it...

Edited by Zerayan
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