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[WIPz] Kikai's Isolated Kit, Accessories & Items - Modder's Resource


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I've wanted this since day one, so happy to see somone doing all the heavy lifting

Hell, I was wanting it since the beginning (because suffering is making masks for vanilla textures when you don't have the UV template). I tend to do these stupid things where I get to the point where I want it badly enough that I'll just do it myself. Even if I don't know how. Because I will teach myself how goddamnit. That's how I got into all this crap to begin with.


Anyway, I have been picking at the same mesh for two days and I am sick of modeling strings (my lack of sleep sure ain't helping), so I decided to f*#@ around with fbx to see if I can avoid the horror that is trying to weight paint in OS, possibly teach this old dog a new trick, and save myself some headaches further down the road.


Come along with me on this magical journey.


Let me just say that the factory settings for Blender 7.x are awful garbage. I still haven't got it setup how I want. Damnit why am I doing this?



Oh, that's why. The future is now! Or, well, the future is possibly after I edit this and attempt to get it back into the game. Also, holy balls FO4 meshes convert to be massive.



And the flattened skeleton I'm using looks hilarious from a fresh import. I may try to fix it, or I may just leave it that way because it amuses me (assuming it doesn't fork up the resulting NIF down the road, of course... not looking forward to trying to figure that pile of nope out).

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Outfit Studio. Why you do this?


All the damn UV maps are flipped along the Y-axis. They're also shoved about 70 units along the Y axis, but I'm willing to chalk that up to mirror not taking whitespace into account. This is super annoying. :wallbash:


And then there's my continuing struggle against the really stupid changes to hotkeys and a few command behaviors that they made that I'm having to fix, or alter my damn workflow for. But then they had to go and add a remove doubles command for the UV Map editor so I can't hate all of it :(


So far, trying to use FBX is not a fun time, but I will continue to stubbornly mess with it.. because I really want to do my weight painting in Blender and am way too lazy to do the Skyrim to FO4 song and dance.


Also, Noesis gives a different, but no less hilarious, implosion of the bones when I give converting from FBX to DAE a shot (and it also utterly destroys the mesh geometry :ermm:).





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It's been slow going as I've had to stop working multiple times to fix preferences and/or Google search wtf they did with _____ command, or how to change ______ setting because it's no longer what it was in 2.49 AND GOOD LUCK FINDING IT. Slowly, slowly, Bender 2.76 is being less of a pain in the ass.


I've also had some weird health stuff, which is super frustrating because I get sick of laying in bed not doing anything, but using the computer was suffering. (Especially because included was my ulnar nerve in my right arm deciding that I needed sharp, stabbing pains in my right hand for a few days).





(Well.. for certain definitions of 'done'.. it's rigged and everything at least)





To be fair, it was worth doing, since I've been wanting that has a plain harness forever. It's modular and there are two variations of the back portion as you can see. There's some UV mapping I've redone just because it was necessary.


Yeah, I've got headache just looking at that stuff... Gods speed and plenty of snacks to you Kikai.


- and get some rest!


Got rest! All kinds of sleep... Think I paid off my sleep debt :P

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I should probably, you know, wrap this up or something because at this rate I will never be done. I kinda want to continue the leg struts up and attach them to a reinforced belt, though... :wallbash: Like, I should just stop and revisit this as an entire selection of bits based on the Synth armor. Gah.

Edited by Kikaimegami
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Oh my god why didn't anyone tell me getting stuff back into FBX and then into OS would be such a huge pain in the ass. Maybe it's just because I'm using Blender, but I'm having to do things to prepare for export that I, personally, feel should be handled by the exporter script. Unless I'm actually missing something really stupidly obvious, which is possible, but all my Google-Fu turned up not a whole hell of a lot :(


FBX Workflow now includes:

- Creating a special snowflake UV map specifically for FBX and having to force it to index 0 using the python console or it exports with whatever index 0 is rather than the selected map. This is, of course, to undo fixing the Y-mirrored UV map you got when you imported it as there's no way to tell it orientation of the UV map. I suppose you could just mirror your map right before you export, but I must do it a specific way.

- Ripping the mesh apart along all the seams because if you don't, FBX will weld boundary vertices together to get one island out of the whole mess. Or maybe OS is welding them. Something is.

- Having to use a reference in OS because the bones are missing information? Need to look more deeply into this.


I swear, if I get this crap in game and it doesn't work... :wallbash:

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I forgot the female variant meshes :facepalm:








I'm also making arm braces, because why not, let's make this take even longer :ermm:. The lack of replies probably means nobody wants any of this, but I want it, so it's happening.


Whenever I do finish the Synth armor horrorshow, I will have the following:



Engineer Scribe

Rustic UnderArmor



Armored Coat: I definitely want the holster on the leg and maybe the armored plate thing on the other leg. Plus the entire thing has straps all over it. I'll probably grab those and the armor plates they're holding. Also there's a wrap on the left elbow that works for the braces and bandages.

Army Fatigues: There.. isn't really anything I'm interested in here. Unless I get a req, it's staying out.

Dog Gear: Not sure if making stuff PC wearable is in the scope of this project, and I think someone was already doing so with the collars.

Hazmat Suit: YET ANOTHER STRAP HARNESS, Oxygen Tanks, Gauges & Strap, Gas Mixer, Hoses?

HighSchool Outfit: Nothing to separate.

Knight Lancer: Nope.

Knight Under Armor:

- I suppose someone might want that hilarious wrestler belt on the cape mesh, and/or the cape without the belt, though it doesn't have cloth rigging. If I'm feeling adventurous, I might give rigging it a shot.

- CoatKells: Belt

- Lab Coat: I kinda want the coat by itself and edited to hang open.

MacCready: Shoulder Strap, Belts, Pouches, BINOCULARS, Leg Strap & Pouch, Leg Bandoleer, WRISTWACH (req by Kutt)

Maxson: I may steal the straps/belt off the coat.

Minuteman: Only thing I see really is the necktie.

Minuteman Underarmor: Wrist wraps maybe.

Preston Garvey: Strap & Pouch, Belt & Pouch. It's a damn shame that awesome vest isn't fully textured.

Science Scribe: Armored Cowl & Accessories: Straps, Magnifier Lamp & Cables, Utility Backpack & Air Tank w/ Cable (presuming they don't look too weird by themselves, also... I think it's an air tank, whatever that thing is). Belt & Pouches, Wrist Cuffs (BRACELETS!)

Science Scribe Helmet: I haven't been doing anything with any of the head wear yet, but I'm making a note here that I need that goofy ass crap to wear with other hats.

Vault Tec Security: Pouch, Kneepads, Shoulder Armor, Chest Armor, Breast Logo



Everything, mostly.


Thinking of actually considering a release after the armor sets are done, since there's a lot of clothing to go through. This will include the clothing bits I've already done of course, but nothing added. The rest of the clothing will be added in updates.

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Gah, what was meant to be a week away turned into two!


Probably the synth stuff? Sort of like the traction splints out something, I guess. I can't really look right now as all i have is my mobile.


However, it did occur to me that - with the survival patch and GECK emerging soon - there'll probably be a market for bandages on different body parts for mods and such.

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Oh, I didn't even think about people possibly wanting it for survival mode. That could be pretty awesome, actually.


As for why it's taking so long, it isn't just the Synth armor (though that's a big reason). I have super pissed-off some nerves in my arm (hahahaha carpal tunnel syndrome hahahahaha) and have been dealing with that crap, though taking it easy and doing exercises and stretches has been helping. And going easy using my tablet because I grip the stylus like I'm trying to kill it... Pretty sure me working on a logo commission is what has actually caused this whole mess.


I have also taken so much ibuprofen :ermm:


I actually am just about done with the Synth armor, and then there's not too many Armor sets left, and only the Lab Coat really needs a custom mesh. Everything else will just be slicing up polygons around bits I want separated. Then testing the hell out of everything and adjusting rigging and stuff. I've been re-tweaking a lot of the Raider stuff this whole time while also working on the new meshes.


I do have another req to add to my list though, which is the gun holster on the SubmarineCrew meshes for jangove, mentioned in: Any hope of a single pistol harness for Armorsmith?


EDIT: And another! Neck hiding goodies for MrMiasma from: Neck covers? RaiderModArmor has already been done, and I need to make sure I haven't missed anything else that could work.

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