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Fallout 3 Machinima changing Mr. Burke's voice


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I love machinima and I recently have started to pursue a machinima project with Fallout 3. It is fully voiced and I have a scene that involves Mr. Burke. Obviously I cannot use his voice effects as they don't conform to the scene but if it were a really good machinima, what would a canon lover think if I changed his voice? I would like to get the voiceover as close to his as possible, but for some people would this ruin him?



Heres a quick video I made which will show what he should sound like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NoAJkqFfuc

Edited by Knux897
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Definitely. Your voice acting needs lots of work. It's too deep, too quiet, and too dull. Your microphone quality is terrible, too, and that really ruins it further. It sounds nothing like Mr. Burke if that was your goal, and even if it wasn't it won't pass for a decent voiceover. You need to get a better microphone, and then study the way Br. Burke, Lucien Lachance, and similar characters speak -- dark and menacing, but also bombastic, as if they were over-the-top villains in a play.


I'm not trying to be mean, mind you, just telling the truth.

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Yeah I'll have to second Okappa's comment. He indeed should sound like an over the top villain.


An example of (in my opinion) some really good FO3 machinima voice acting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc-x2051mek


For example just listen to the frustration in his voice in the first scene.

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No, I wasn't able to simulate Burke's voice which was why I was asking if any lore fan would mind if I changed it. I do realize the voice is low and quiet because I tuned it down two steps to experiment with making it deeper because I wasn't satisfied with my pitch. However I do have a very good mic and I think what you're hearing is the backround noise of the radio cracking in the game. All other voiceovers in the machinima are crystal clear quality so I'm sure that's what it is. I'll try experimenting with trying to simulate his voice but now I'm also considering just using an original character and taking the story in a slightly different direction.


Also I know the voice is quiet but I spoke far away from the mic because the mic will pick up any smacking of the lips or various other undesirable noises because it's so strong. Do you have any suggestions for trying to get a clear sound from the mic without speaking far away and turning the volume up?

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