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Can no longer start game after opening ini.file


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So that's basically the problem. I have the GOTY edition installed - it's heavily modded but working fine, for I've tested it.


This is the situation:


- Playing oblivion, all mods are working beautifully

- hey, let's see what I can change in the ini. file...

-> look at the internet, says stuff about backup.

- make backup

- change the values of viewing grass


What happened:


- save ini + start oblivion

=> instacrash, doubleclick icon the screen goes black for hardly a second and I'm back at my desktop.


What I did:


- copy back the old ini.file

=> still instacrash

- delete default.ini cause I read it is made automatically when you start the game

=> instacrash...




So... what's wrong here? Did I screw up? Is it because of the ini.? (game ran FINE before I ever opened it so it has to be right?)



Thx in advance. :)

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Okay... I understand why I totally screwed up that one... :wallbash:


About that though => could I reïnstall the game succesfully over my now faulty install without messing up all the mods? They're all mods that need to be activated with mod managar so if I was to un/reinstall Oblivion in the same directory would everything still work? (like with big mods like OOO)

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