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Problem with plugins


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I have a problem with some plugins, The problem is that in same place the mod is meant to be a biig yellow blob is there.And when I open a chest which has a mod of a sword or something I see instead of the icon of the sword but a smiley face with a cross through it. I heard this was a problem with texture or something, how am I able to fix it or is it just the mod?




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Re-extract the archive containing the plugin, this time putting art files in their proper directories. If the error still occurs, download the archve again and confirm that files with extensions .BMP, .TGA, and .DDS are in the Textures directory or the Icons directory and that .NIF files are in the Meshes directory. If the readme specifies where each file goes, follow those instructions. If you've done that and the errors do not yield, contact the plugin author and play without the mod that's causing the prolems.


And there's a secret that only the 1337 on these forums know about that I feel I must pass on to you... Above your post, there is an edit button. The true purpose of this function is to edit your posts... From now on use it, and tell nobody about it. We never had this conversation.

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Also, try extracting manually. With some programs I've found they don't extract properly when trying to extract automatically.


I'm sure there is a pinned topic under plugins or somewhere that explains all this.


Anyways, question answered, thread locked.

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