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Okay, I went through 16 pages of MOD requests to see if anyone had previously mentioned the same material. I saw some generic requests that fall into the same sort of thought but nothing specific, so here goes my ideas.


When rebuilding a settlement and this is aimed mostly at Sanctuary Hills; there are a lot of ...hammering and fixing animations for the original group to be keeping themselves occupied (okay, I admit, its mostly Sturges, but the others get into the act from time to time too). But..nothing really happens in the way of home improvement. Now I know there are mods out already to provide a bit of an.."Insta-Fix' to many of the buildings in Sanctuary Hills but I personally would have loved to patch those holes myself. For the windows, could a mod be made to let the player 'frame' a window and add shutters? I don't know about the rest of you but when a rad-storm hits, and I am inside, I want the windows and doors shut !!! Also since many of the holes in the walls are of a fairly consistent size, can the mod have a way for the player to patch those? Seems to be a simple ..select the proper shape... sort of thing. I'm guessing 3-4 shape options in this category (in 2-3 categories per shape. One would be a wooden fix, one would be a metal fix, and one would be like a drywall sort of masonry patch); so a total of maybe twelve different home remedy patches to satisfy all tastes would fix most of the holes in the walls and make it seem very immersive as part of a repair plan for turning Sanctuary hills into a proper settlement.


But the shutters, yes definitely, I would love to see a MOD that creates shutters to be added. Best of all worlds would be shutters with an option to be closed or opened on sunny days. I would think creating shutters would be a primary first step...waaaay ahead of the option to put in glass windows.


Also, I would like to see Butter churns. We can have brahmin, we can conceivably have brahmin milk, so why not see some butter churns around a settlement?


Next, I have seen a few but I think it should be part of a basic settlement ideas package. GUNRACKS! Since nearly everybody carries some form of gun weapon, its only logical that a settler would feel peace of mind only when they could sleep with their gun close to grab. A Gunrack above each bed should be the standard for "fine living"...lol


Finally, outhouses. The primitive backwater solution to a lack of indoor plumbing. The noble (and stiinky) OUTHOUSE! I think I have seen one while wandering through Fallout 4 and I thought, yep.... surprised I don't see more of these. But honestly. no civilised settlement should be without an outhouse if they lack sewer capabilities.


I hope that all reading this can find support for these ideas. Thanks for reading :)

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Hey ! That's right along the idea I was envisioning, although I was hoping for more of a "Make the Settlement more of a homestead look" rather than "buttoning the houses up to bring them up to Crack Junkie Building Codes standards :), but yeah....that is the sort of patch work repairs I was hoping for, although I was hoping for something slightly more , elegant...lol.

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