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File Search and other stupid things:


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I remember, back in the Dark Age, that we have an actual SEARCH field.

This was in conjunction with TAG Search, so we had 2 search versions.

Though the TAG Search is a decent system, it lacks the finesse for when you look for specific things (Say eyes as example).


I for one would like to see this option return, it was a handy tool, this Search.


TAG Search: we have for instance HAIR Tag, but we lack other Tags, like for instance eyes.

Or lips, or whatever you think is missing.


Often I am looking for something, in a MUCH broader field, which can be quite time consuming.

Imagine, you're looking into FNV files for this specific Colt type (Example), but you end up with 4000 weapon files.

Not the most user friendly, I reckon.

But this then relates to the first part more: General Search option (we can't have weapons in TAG being split up, right? TAG would be a phone book large).




PS: I would like to know why General Search was removed?

Just being VERY curious here, nothing intended by this question.

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There's a generic search with a lot of options (seriously, this is better than google in the amount of options offered) http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/searchresults/?

There's tag search http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/tags/?

this. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/searchresults/?notags


I don't know what more can one need :)

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For searching mods, Please look up at the top of any page in the mods section and you will find a search tab. It works just like it always has. Including an option for advanced search.


Then for searching in the forums look just below the first line and on the right side for the forums search. This one is by IPBoards and is part of the forum software package so it is a bit different from the mods search.


While the Nexus/IPBoards search functions are nowhere near as good as the Google search, we didn't pay millions of dollars to develop it like Google did for theirs. :thumbsup:


However, you CAN use Google to search just the Nexus instead - In the google search bar type 'Nexusmods.com Site:' then your search criteria Note the colon is important here.


For searching mods use 'Nexusmods.com Site:' for a forum search use 'Forums.Nexusmods.com Site:'


This works in several other search engines as well - I use DuckDuckGo and it works. :tongue:


For more tips and tricks for using google search go here: https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?hl=en

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