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The Nature of Time


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Sunshinenbrick makes a great point. Moving forward in time, politicians only get wo0rse. So, in theory, if you moved backwards, maybe they'd only get better? :laugh:

We'd have to travel all the way back to 1964 before we got to a non-despotic U.S. president. Reagan and his coattails do not qualify.


Actually, we'd have to go back to before 1860. Lincoln treated the constitution the way kobe bryant treats under-aged white girls.


[edited for cat walking across keyboard]

Edited by dpgillam
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ah the greatest mystery of all time... sorry can't resist.


It's sayed that arrow of time is fixed do to atoms have a tiny shape that bend forward reason it can't never go in the opposite direction.

then QM comes in with the dubble slith experiment and say's man screw this we go back in time and collapse anytime you try to observe us.


madness man, thats what the really is.

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Just felt like I should defend the notion of time's existence beyond human perception.


Every atom resonates at mostly stable frequencies. This is how atomic clocks work. Knowing this, one could say time exists outside of human interpretation. Even without an observer, until the last atom blinks out of existence, time absolutely exists on a very fundamental level.

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Just felt like I should defend the notion of time's existence beyond human perception.


Every atom resonates at mostly stable frequencies. This is how atomic clocks work. Knowing this, one could say time exists outside of human interpretation. Even without an observer, until the last atom blinks out of existence, time absolutely exists on a very fundamental level.

According to Einstein both space and time are relative.


What part of the following is incorrect: "The universe extends billions of light years in all directions -- from YOU." You are therefore the only possible cause of the universe, and pre-exist everything contained in it. This is why people like Jesus claimed to exist "before the world began". So did you. But try telling the average person that he or she conceived their own mother's womb and everything beyond it, and see what kind of reaction you get. :) Few people ime are willing to take universal responsibility for themselves and thus remain perpetual victims of the universe.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just felt like I should defend the notion of time's existence beyond human perception.


Every atom resonates at mostly stable frequencies. This is how atomic clocks work. Knowing this, one could say time exists outside of human interpretation. Even without an observer, until the last atom blinks out of existence, time absolutely exists on a very fundamental level.

According to Einstein both space and time are relative.


What part of the following is incorrect: "The universe extends billions of light years in all directions -- from YOU." You are therefore the only possible cause of the universe, and pre-exist everything contained in it. This is why people like Jesus claimed to exist "before the world began". So did you. But try telling the average person that he or she conceived their own mother's womb and everything beyond it, and see what kind of reaction you get. :smile: Few people ime are willing to take universal responsibility for themselves and thus remain perpetual victims of the universe.


Ive been floating towards something like that for a while now, but never seen it put so concisely or powerfully.

Im gonna need a bit to think on that, if you dont mind. And thanks! Thats what I love about this thread, such great views to learn.

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I'm not claiming it as absolute truth, but it's been a lot of decades and we're still waiting for someone to prove Einstein wrong about his relativity theories. Matter itself creates a temporary and dynamic warping or bubble of spacetime, and as matter gravitates together the warp gets deeper. If you had a spaceship and could travel near the speed of light, the universe would "follow" you, with current technology, about 14.5 billion light years in all directions, no matter where you traveled, and you'd see the very oldest galaxies as reddish blotches, exactly as we do here on Earth today. No difference whatsoever. Therefore it's not the universe that's infinite, it's you.

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