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Death Beacon


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This could probably get included with a realism or difficulty mod, but I also like the idea of a stand-alone. Here is the idea: Settler beacons let settlers know where you are but guess what... It also lets raiders, gunners, synths, assaultrons, aggressive robots and super mutants know where you are as well. So I would like a mod that significantly increases the probability of attack when you turn on that settler beacon. Bottom line: Better make sure your settlement is fortified and has adequate defenses before you flip the switch. On the other hand, you probably wont get attacked UNTIL you flip the switch, so you have time to get those defenses up.


At night, a large group of badies moving towards your settlement will attract less intelligent, bigger, meaner wasteland creatures like Ghoul herds, Deathclaws, and even Bohemiths. So if you leave that beacon on at night, you have about a 1 in three chance of a major battle with multiple enemies come nightfall.


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