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help with an unknown error please


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A little while ago I played with Requiem some. Had no problems but I got tired of it, so I created a new profile in MO and played with PerMa some, again no problems. But I decided to go BACK to Requiem yet again. I created a new profile, reloaded all the mods I wanted. Everything looked fine, no missing masters, etc, all was in order. I was just about to do the Reqtificator, when I remembered that the first time I had played Requiem I instaled it with the "Vanilla shrines" option, and wanted to play with Requiem shrines this time, so I chose to reinstall it. When I did so, I got an error and the reinstall failed. I downloaded it again and tried to install it but again, same error, and the install fails. I'm trying not to have to start over from scratch but I cant install the thing. In fact, even though I just downloaded it, its not listed in the "mods" folder within the MO folder. Here is the error I keep getting when I try to install:


"The element 'plugin' has invalid child element 'typeDescriptor'. List of possible elements expected: 'files, conditionFlags.'"


I have no idea what this means.


Can someone please help me get REquiem reinstalled once again so I can play without starting over from scratch :smile:


Thank you-

Edited by cwarren165
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I got this figured out. Somewhere along the way in setting up PerMa and the merged and bashed patches for it, I had set MO to not prefer the FOMOD installer. This i did following some directions from the GamerPoets youtube channnels. Anyways once i set MO back to preferring the FOMOD installer I was able to reinnstall Requiem. Up and running :)

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