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nude briarhearts


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here's the problem: all of my briarhearts are nude due to cloaks of skyrim according to a thread i read elsewhere. this mod was supposed to fix the issue: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56922/?



however, that patch is for the original USKP. i'm using the legendary updated version. is there another way to get the briarhearts back into their armor?






0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 EFFCore.esm
7 7 ApachiiHair.esm
8 8 Beards.esp
9 9 SkyUI.esp
10 a RaceMenu.esp
11 b RaceMenuPlugin.esp
12 c UnreadBooksGlow.esp
13 d AMatterOfTime.esp
14 e SmartCast_1_0.esp
15 f VioLens.esp
16 10 BLEED.esp
17 11 SkyTweak.esp
18 12 TimingIsEverything.esp
19 13 No Magic Ninja Dodge - No DLC.esp
20 14 FireAndIceOverhaul.esp
21 15 Height Adjusted Races with True Giants.esp
22 16 WerewolvesOccurringNaturally.esp
23 17 Convenient Horses.esp
24 18 Clanking Armor.esp
25 19 Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp
26 1a FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp
27 1b FSP - Dragonborn Edition.esp
28 1c Immersive Sounds - Weaponry.esp
29 1d Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
30 1e Creepy Dungeons.esp
31 1f SoS - The Wilds.esp
32 20 Immersive Interiors.esp
33 21 SoS - Civilization.esp
34 22 Dark Light Templates.esp
35 23 SoS - The Dungeons.esp
36 24 Training Dummies XP.esp
37 25 Skyrim Unbound.esp
38 26 Destroy the Thieves Guild.esp
39 27 zzzEverlastingWeaponEnchant.esp
40 28 spellsneak.esp
41 29 RealisticDestruction.esp
42 2a Civil War Repairs.esp
43 2b SkyrimSewers.esp
44 2c Cloaks.esp
45 2d DeadlyMutilation.esp
46 2e Run For Your Lives.esp
47 2f 1nivWICCloaks.esp
48 30 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
49 31 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp
50 32 EFFDialogue.esp
51 33 UIExtensions.esp
52 34 Sneaky_Serana.esp
53 35 SummonShadowMERCHANT.esp
54 36 skyforgedWeapons.esp
55 37 RealisticNightsDB.esp
56 38 RealisticNightsDG.esp
57 39 When Vampires Attack.esp
58 3a CraftableClothes.esp
59 3b Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
60 3c tox Alchemy Unlock Effects.esp
61 3d AHZmoreHUD.esp
62 3e Fight_like_a_badass.esp
63 3f Brawl Bugs CE.esp
64 40 Additional Player Voices for Skyrim.esp
65 41 WolfArmorLightSA.esp
66 42 furrycommentfix.esp
67 43 nofurcomment.esp
68 44 Bijin Wives.esp
69 45 irileth.esp
70 46 ThievesGuildShortSleeved.esp
71 47 Women of the Thieve's Guild.esp
72 48 MBWSNPCReplace_karliahnohood.esp
73 49 Elisif Makeover.esp
74 4a The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp
75 4b Babette.esp
76 4c Wolf Knight Armor.esp
77 4d aedric ritual remake.esp
78 4e GrandMaster.esp
79 4f SkyRealism - Portable Crafting Kits.esp
80 50 Force Grip Mastery.esp
81 51 Dead Body Collision.esp
82 52 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
83 53 MidasSkyrim.esp
84 54 Sneak Tools.esp
85 55 InnoLostAlt.esp
86 56 AsharaMerchants.esp
87 57 listernersarmorset.esp
88 58 JoOMagicMod01.esp
89 59 SPTUnlimitedRings.esp
90 5a Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp
91 5b dbsword.esp
92 5c dbdagger.esp
93 5d RM_NobleHealerRobes.esp
94 5e dbbownogloss.esp
95 5f dovahkiinrelax.esp
96 60 Twohanded Dawnbreaker.esp
97 61 bald hair.esp
98 62 SPTUnlimitedAmulets.esp
99 63 BloodmoonRising.esp
100 64 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
101 65 wuuthrad jorrvaskr display.esp
102 66 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
103 67 Sapphire.esp
104 68 SPTUnlimitedRingsDragonborn.esp
105 69 SPTUnlimitedRingsDawnguard.esp
106 6a SPTUnlimitedAmuletsDragonborn.esp
107 6b SPTUnlimitedAmuletsDawnguard.esp
108 6c Dual Sheath Redux.esp
109 6d EnchantedArsenal.esp
110 6e UnlimitedRacePowersAndStandingStones.esp
111 6f Better Vampires.esp
112 70 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
113 71 RealisticNights.esp
114 72 Zbuffed Candlelight Spell R450R.esp
Warmer Magic Lights v2.esp
115 73 MessiasVampireArmorRoyalRetexture.esp
116 74 StandingStoneRings.esp
117 75 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
118 76 MB_Cleric_v2.esp
119 77 The Real Shadowmere NoVoice.esp
120 78 The Real Shadowmere.esp
121 79 aassassinscraftables.esp
122 7a dbarrows.esp
123 7b Predator Vision.esp
124 7c eelRing.esp
125 7d Training Dummies XP Dawnguard.esp
126 7e imp_helm_legend.esp
127 7f Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
128 80 Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
129 81 Replacement Crowns.esp
130 82 NightingaleSleeveless.esp
131 83 Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp
132 84 Seductress Serana.esp
133 85 Serana No Hood.esp
134 86 Decorative Permanent Magelight.esp
135 87 PlayerHomeMapMarkers.esp
136 88 zz_GDRAHoods.esp
137 89 Craftable Fur Armor.esp
138 8a Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp


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Ok this post ' link below ' might help you, but ' Disclaimer: I have not tried it as I don't have Cloaks of Skyrim mod installed. Don't blame me if it doesn't work or break your game, only try at your own risk. '.




Click the spoiler tab in post 196

Edited by TrulymadlyNexus
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Um...I realize this is necroposting now but this is the first thing that came up when I searched about this bug, so I thought I might be able to help other people that stumble on this thread. In the link to the mod if you look under the files tab, you can just download an older version that was made for USKP. version 1.1 is the newest one before the USLEEP patch, and for whatever reason it was the middle one of the older versions.

Edited by ethervagabond
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