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beautiful people modular 2ch edition


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i installed beautiful modular 2ch edition a while ago and its starting to bug me how the argonians don't have eyes...every other race is fine(i think) but every argonian seems to have no eyes, also is it compatible with elaborate eyes?
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BP and its drivements use Elaborate Eyes meshes. I'm sure MBP includes Argonian eyes, but if it is missing, you may need EE or original BP to extract eye meshes(and check directory structure, copy and rename files if needed).


**By the way, do you have other mod that affects Argonian?

Edited by LFact
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BP and its drivements use Elaborate Eyes meshes. I'm sure MBP includes Argonian eyes, but if it is missing, you may need EE or original BP to extract eye meshes(and check directory structure, copy and rename files if needed).


**By the way, do you have other mod that affects Argonian?


dont think i do?

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