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Dual-Wielding, Blocking, and You


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I think by dodge they mean stepping back or stepping to the side, and I don't think they have room left for a dodge button on the console controllers, and I can't imagine them adding it to the PC version if they can't do it on consoles.From what I saw in the video it didn't seem like there was a block feature for dual-wielding, it seemed to me that if you only tapped one hand than it would swing that weapon and holding down would perform a power attack but if you pressed both buttons at the same time it would attack with both hands.
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@JageX- It's a completely viable option, try it in Oblivion. It was one of the only ways I could survive as a monk. It may be harder the higher your armor class goes though. Sword swings don't seem to be as fast in this as they were before either, so you have more time to react and dodge. It's not perfect and you will get hit now and then, but that's combat for you.
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I noticed in the minute 9:03 in the 14min demo that the guy fighting the player does a sort of blocking movement, of course im not really sure about this, thats just how it looks to me, hopefully that means wielding a shield is not the only way to block atacks
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I noticed in the minute 9:03 in the 14min demo that the guy fighting the player does a sort of blocking movement, of course im not really sure about this, thats just how it looks to me, hopefully that means wielding a shield is not the only way to block atacks


You can block with a shield and with two-handed weapons. :)

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not really related to this topic, but i must admit i don't like that we have to equip a spell in order to cast it, that means i cant have a claymore or a 2-handed battleaxe and a spell, so you constatly have to swap weapon loadouts.
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Didn't you need to equip a spell in Oblivion which meant sheathing your weapon? So this hasn't actually changed for Two handed weapons. Could be a problem though, as you actually could have a spell chosen. Sorry this hot weather we are having has me foggy.
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@nakia- no you just pressed C or whatever hotkey you had, and you casted a spell. now i hope my memory serves me fine lol.


I thinki your memory is correct. So now if weilding two handed weapons, bow, battle axe, hammer, sword we will have to unequip, equip spell? That will be a nuisance. Dual weilding Weapons will be a problem too. Staffs will be fine I think I saw a screenshot of a mage with staff in right hand casting spell with left.


:lol: I wonder if any developers wander by and get a good laugh at all our speculation and guessing.

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I have a question. What's the real use of dual wielding? I mean, say you have two one handed swords each with an attack rating of say 10. And you have a claymore with an attack rating of say 18. Will the dual wielding the two swords make your attack rating 20? If not, what's the use? Better to have a shield and sword I say. That is, if that's the case.
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I have a question. What's the real use of dual wielding? I mean, say you have two one handed swords each with an attack rating of say 10. And you have a claymore with an attack rating of say 18. Will the dual wielding the two swords make your attack rating 20? If not, what's the use? Better to have a shield and sword I say. That is, if that's the case.


Speaking as someone who actually goes swordfighting with two swords.. it allows for you to keep your opponent off their balance. If you're constantly hitting them with both blades, it doesn't give them time to spring back. You can also distract them with one blade while taking the other in for the kill.


Dunno how that'll transfer to a game, though. Probably just flailing at them aimlessly. Howard did say they'd improved on that.

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