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The Legion in Skyrim


Imperial Legion Presence in Skyrim  

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  1. 1. Would you like to see the Imperial Legion faction back in Skyrim?

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I loved playing as a legionnaire in Morrowind, and I really missed the Legion when it wasn't in Oblivion. I'm kind of hoping that it will return as a faction in Skyrim.


What are your thoughts?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Wasn't there some unrest in Skyrim about the Imperial Legion?


I heard a bit about them driving the imperial fort off of Solstheim or some such, so I doubt the legion will be in Skyrim.


I'd certainly like for the whole 'STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM' to be a part of the game. I'm all for immersion, but some things you just don't change for rule of funny.

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Well, as far as I know, Skyrim is still part of the Empire, even with the civil war. At the very least, there are many Imperial loyalists still in the province opposing the rebels. But if it remains part of the Empire, then it is teetering precariously on the brink of secession.


The player character may be given the opportunity to side with either with the loyalists or the rebels...perhaps joining the Legion if siding with the Empire.


There's some speculation going on over at the Imperial Library on whether or not the guy with the wolfhound here is a legionnaire: http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/gallery_files/riverwood.jpg


If so, that looks A LOT like the Legion Knight armor from Morrowind. :thumbsup:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I loved playing as a Legionnaire in Morrowind . . . Only problem I seeing is Adrynn (aka my main char for years and years) suddenly killing everyone who gets in his way . . . . Legionnaires or not . . . >.> Heh. :devil:
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I was a bit disappointed about how the Legion in Oblivion was so remarkably different from its Morrowind counterpart.

If the Legion is featured in Skyrim I hope Beth portrays it like they did in Morrowind, with weapons and armor designed to resemble the ones used in the Roman empire. :)

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You know, the first time I saw the trailer (or maybe the second time, it is hard to tell) I actually stopped at the part the guard was seen, and thought "Hey, that looks a lot like Morrowind!" so yeah, it is awesome. The Roman legion like armor was one of my favorites back in Morrowind. I have always been interested in Roman culture and it is nice to see my favorite game series draw inspiration from it. I was sad to see that Oblivion had completely different armor, though on the other thought the Morrowind one wouldn't have fitted the game at all.


As for the Legion being a joinable guild; They just MUST have it, there's so much potential. The dying Legion's struggle against the rebellion etc. They totally can't miss this.

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Yeah, I would be totally surprised to find that the Legion isn't playable or doesn't even have a major role. It's a civil between the Nords for and against the Cyrodillic Empire, so you can assume the Imperial Legion will want to get involved to maintain peace.
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I hope we'll see the Imperial Legion in a different light in Skyrim, as distinct from Cyrodiil


In other words, instead of very much being at the centre of the crime and punishment system, I hope they'll be portrayed as unwelcome and somewhat hated interlopers. I think the main 'law' in Skyrim should be based around local Nord clans, with the Civil War leading to a much more localised and 'ad hoc' justice system. I'd like to see justice being summarily meted out by local village chiefs or bands of locally appointed militia. And it needs to be brutal - with crime being punishable by death, public executions being used to 'teach people a lesson'.


In such a context, the Legion would be struggling to maintain a system of control, but being disliked as an unwanted outside influence. Quests could have us siding with the locals or the Legion, with different outcomes possible depending on how we play things out.

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